Drought - Fire - Flood Email Forum

Introduction and treating the forests

Kathryn Mutz (
Mon, 30 Oct 2000 15:19:55 -0700

Hi. I'm Kathryn Mutz at attorney with the Natural Resources Law
Center at the University of Colorado in Boulder. Our work touches on
law and policy issues for a lot of the natural resources in the West.
We do research, including work with a lot of other individuals and
entities, and develop educational programs. The goal is to promote
sustainability by helping to inform and influence decisions affecting
western natural resources.

I've just joined and enjoyed reading the discussion so far. Someone
mentioned the "red zone" and forest treatments for "forest health" and
the controversies involved with them. The Center is hoping to help
address that question at a half-day forum on November 30 at the offices
of Holland & Hart (555 17th St., 32nd Floor) in Denver. The program
starts with a luncheon that includes a charge for the lunch. The
remainder of the program is free. The following is a description of the
program. We are hoping to make it more of a problem solving workshop
than simply an "information" session. If anyone is interested in
contributing to that "in-person" discussion, they can contact the center
by email or visit our website


Thursday, November 30, 2000
Fire in the Urban-Wildland Interface: A Special Afternoon Program

Wildland fires have been the hottest topic this summer in both Colorado
and throughout the West. As the forests burned, protecting life,
private property, and forest and cultural resources were immediate
concerns. As forests and tempers have cooled, the long-term problem of
dealing with hazardous fuels buildup looms. How can we address the
problem on a meaningful scale? How can the agencies comply with the
law, but minimize the delays and costs involved with meeting the
requirements of NEPA, NHPA and other federal and state laws? How should
we prioritize and schedule fuels treatments and other fireproofing work,
in the face of limited resources and personnel and nearly universal
needs? U.S. Representatives Mark Udall (D-Colo) and Joel Hefley
(R-Colo) have been invited to begin the discussion of these issues with
a presentation on their proposed Forest Restoration and Fire Reduction
Act (H.R 5098).

The standard lunch time Hot Topics program (early registration $13,
including lunch) will be followed from 1:30 to 3:30 by a panel
discussion and public forum (free) featuring federal, state and local
representatives, including Jim Hubbard, Colorado State Forester; Steve
Pedigo, Deputy Director for Fire, Region 2, U.S. Forest Service; Chris
White, Wildfire Coordinator for Boulder County; and Rocky Smith,
Colorado Wild.

See for more information on this list.