Drought - Fire - Flood Email Forum

Re: Wrap-up

Connie Woodhouse (
Tue, 31 Oct 2000 09:11:34 -0700

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but a wonderful web site on
drought has been put together by the National Drought Mitigation Center
at the University of Nebraska Lincoln: It
has lots of background info on drought as well as the current drought
status, measured by a number of ways.

At NOAA, the Paleoclimatology Program has put together couple of web
sites designed for the general public, one of which is on drought. I'm
not sure how pertinent this site would be to the BASIN audience, but it
illustrates how paleoclimatic data is useful for assessing and
evaluating 20th century droughts. There are also links to pages about
20th century drought. The drought web page can be found, along with one
on global warming at


Connie Woodhouse
NOAA Paleoclimatology Program
National Geophysical Data Center
325 Broadway  E/GC
Boulder, CO  80303
ph: (303)497-6297
fax: (303)497-6513
See for more information on this list.