Following is an outline of the components of a technology plan. The bold text describes what should be included in each section. The components are presented in the order in which they generally appear in published technology plans. However, this does not imply that the order used in this guide is the best or only possible one. Likewise, all components listed may not be necessary for all plans; some plans will require additional sections not covered in this outline. The information needed to write the pan would come from the Technology Planning Committee with staff and client input. Methods of getting input could include surveys, questionnaires, and individual or group discussions.

I. Introduction

Explain the Technology Plan. Give an overview and foreword.
Identify the stakeholders.

II. Technological Mission Statement

Provide the overall philosophy for the use of new technologies.
Include a technological inventory and how administration, volunteers and clientele use the equipment. Provide the existing condition of technological facilities including:

III. Statement of Existing Conditions

Outline current technology and technical skills of staff. Assessment include a technological inventory and how administration, volunteers and clientele use the equipment. Provide the existing condition of technological facilities including:

A. Configurations

1. Software
Identify brand and version numbers
Identify and specialized applications

2. Hardware

Operating system
The microprocessor
Disk drive storage capacity
Fixed disk information
Availability of Serial Ports and Parallel Ports
Type and speed of CD-ROM drive
Availability of electrical outlets and phone jacks
Hard drive size/type
Modem model

3. Technological Skills

Level of staff training
Attitude of staff toward training
Time commitments

IV. Statement of Technological Need

Explain the immediate equipment, application and training needs.
Give justification for specific enhancement and predict the likely improvement once enhancement is realized.

V. Goals

Outline the ultimate technological goals---in terms of hardware, software, skill level and desired capabilities. Anticipates upcoming technological advancements and industry trends if possible. Give justification for future enhancement and predict the likely improvement if enhancement were realized.

VI. Preliminary Action Plan

Explain what steps will occur to implement the short-term plan.
Include a matrix with a detailed timeline and identify the responsibilities of each stakeholder. Outline procedures to keep the plan on track.



Create comprehensive database of mentors and students.


Increased capability to use information to create and maintain team lists, track demographic information, monitor attendance, generate reports and evaluate the program

Completion Dates:

Phase One: Create database structure --Jill 4/30/99
Phase Two: Transfer information from current into Access database software--Phil 6/30/99


Randy with Kristen's assistance.


Microsoft Office Professional must be loaded on workstation A.


Telephone support from Microsoft or CompUSA.

VII. Long-range plan

Include equipment and training needs that are not immediate, but needed within the time frame of the plan.



Obtain a scanner


A scanner would allow Agency A to scan photos and other pictures into their newsletter, web page, and other materials.

Completion Dates:

Phase One: Agency A Director of Development will develop a plan for acquiring a scanner -- 5/31/99




Groom the Board at April's meeting


Technical Support and proposal review from Todd.

VIII. Budget

Provide information about revenue sources and expenses for capital outlay, software acquisition, operating and maintenance, and staff development. Ensure that Technology Plan is tied to budget.

IX. Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Address the means by which the impact of the technological enhancement can be gauged. Identify the tools by which the measurement will be made, as well as the stakeholder responsible for the task.