Plain text is okay, but we're used to using bold and italics and other formats to make our text interesting and stand out.
Bold -
<b>. . .</b>
(physical) or<strong>. . .</strong>
Italic -<i>. . .</i>
(physical) or<em>. . .</em>
You can also alter the text by making it larger or smaller
<big>. . .</big>
or<small;>. . .</small>
Each use of big or small will make the font one step bigger or smaller.
<big><big>.. .</big>.</big>
Try changing the style of some text Try changing the size of some text
Forced line break - <br>
Horizontal rule - <hr>
Note that these are not paired tags. And we can add attributes to them. To alter the horizontal rule length and width, do the following:
<hr width="70%" size="5">
The "5" means 5 pixels high.
add some rules, and a long quote
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