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Adding Images

Images are what makes the World Wide Web a graphics-based rather than text-based medium. People love to see graphics, but be careful-- if your graphics filesizes are too big, your page will take a long time to load. Right now two image formats are recognized by most browsers: GIF (*gif) and JPEG (*.jpg). To add an image, you use the following tag and attribute:

<img SRC="image.gif" width = 23 height = 40 alt="a red flower">

The "alt" attribute identifies what the image is, the width and height speed the loading. It is also important if you want to make you page accessible to disabled folks.

Exercise 8: Save the BCN logo to the desktop using the right mouse button (Save image as . . ). Code the image into your Web page, save the file, click, and view it.

Copying images in this way is illegal unless the person who owns the image has explicitly given you permission to copy the image. See


Including an image in a link makes it clickable.



Boulder Community Network

Copyright © Pierre Malraison All rights reserved.