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BCN Communication Center:
Class Evaluation

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Last Update: Wednesday, 23-Nov-2005 10:19:48 MST

Contact Information (optional)
BCN does not distribute nor sell its participant lists to outside organizations.

Your name: 
Your e-mail address: 
Your street address:  phone: 
City, State and Zip: 
Place of employment or associated employment & training organization: 

Which Internet class did you just complete?

Indicate your Internet use to date:

How did you hear about the class?

Please give an overall rating for the class:

What were the strengths and weaknesses of the class organization and content?

If this was a web surfing class, please indicate your likes and dislikes about the employment and training information which you visited:

What were the strengths and weaknesses of your instructor?

What were the strengths and weaknesses of the assistants?

Other comments or suggestions?

Thanks for your input.

Please send comments or suggestions about this form to the BCN Volunteer Coordinator.
If you don't have access to email, you can do this through the BCN comment form.

Boulder Community Network