The 1994 Explorer Mock Disaster Exercise: Planning and Implementation

The Explorer Officer's Association of the Denver Area and Longs Peak Councils, commissioned a joint project to sponsor and run the 1994 Mock Disaster. Building on experience of their first event in 1993, many excellent ideas were developed to stage the 1994 event. Explorers formed a planning group to address each phase of the event. It was decided that adult advisors and consultants with expertise in emergency management would serve as "mentors" for the Explorers who were selected to be the incident commanders and officers of the event. Each key Explorer then received individual training on their specific roles. A "table-top" exercise of the event was conducted with coaching from "mentors" to permit Explorers to simulate and rehearse their roles in the scenario as a group, before actually assuming the role in the field. Many details and logistics had to be worked out in obtaining emergency vehicles, rescue equipment, supplies, moulage for simulated injuries, coaching for "victim" actors, triage training for first responders, staging, coordination, communications, food service, safety and much more. Explorers were assigned key responsibilities based on interest and abilities. An "Incident Commander" was selected to coordinate the overall event. The event was planned using the Incident Command System (ICS) which is required by the Federal Government for Hazardous Materials emergencies, and is primarily utilized by all public safety and emergency management agencies when inter agency coordination and support are needed to deal with mass casualty incidents and disasters. tation with his/her staff, but generally Explorers are expected to make decisions to the best of their abilities and prior training.

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