Posts which typically participate include: Law Enforcement, Fire, Search and Rescue/First Responders, Medical, High Adventure, Civil Air Patrol, General Interest, and many other specialties. ALL posts are strongly encouraged to participate to learn very important skills in managing disasters, such as incident command, Communications, first aid and medical triage, and much more. Roles are open for everything including incident command positions, law enforcement, medical, first responder, search and rescue, fire, communications, transportation and triage, victims (with incredible makeup and moulage), evaluators, press, video and photography, and MUCH more!

Briefing Thumbnail, 5K gifPre-Briefing (800x600 256 color gif, 117K)


A large support staff will be used for this effort to provide training and coaching for Explorers who will assume the various roles, and to provide equipment for those roles, including but not limited to the following; Sheriff's and Police SWAT teams, Canine units, Communications, Incident Command Vehicle (ICV), State Patrol Communications Unit, Colorado State Patrol Hazardous Materials Unit, Emergency Information Systems (E.I.S.) incident management computer resources system, Fire Department Units, Hazardous Materials Units, Aeromedical Helicopter, moulage and simulated injury technicians and coaches, evaluators, remote wireless video (BCARES "ham" radio operators)


The Explorer Mock Disaster Steering Committee will consist of the following Officers:
Incident Commander: Jason Oehlkers, Captain, Post 500
Steering Committee Chair and ill be filled as Explorers attend planning meetings and express interest in various positions. )

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