Longmont Citzens for Justice and Democracy-March

Longmont Citzens for Justice and Democracy

Demonstration Guidelines

We are here to share common cause with each other and invite the public to engage with us. We should be honest, direct, and compassionate and have fun.

We will act in a peaceful and non-violent manner.

If people express an opinion different from ours we will respect their right to have a different opinion. Even if they have expressed their opinion in a belligerent manner.

We will not allow ourselves to be pulled into a shouting match with others.

We will engage in peaceful conversation with others who might want to talk to us about our stand on issues. We will talk to those who have questions away from the line of people by the street so they will not feel we are ganging up on them.

We will keep the lanes on the sidewalk and cross walks open.

We will be aware of traffic hazards that we may cause and think of safety.

We will show the police respect and courtesy and obey their lawful and reasonable requests.

Remember the work we do is important and everyone should be on a high standard of behavior.

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Web Design: Pierre Malraison