FROM THE PRESIDENT: One of the great benefits of a religious orientation in life is the training in paradox it provides, the holding together of disparate or opposite realities. Thus our religions bring together God and human beings, heaven and earth, multiplicity and unity, sin and salvation, life and death, body and spirit, sorrow and bliss, freedom and bondage, etc. Religion is the great weaver of the opposites, adding a richness and a textured depth to our daily experience. Without it we risk falling into a diminished, gray, monotony, or worse, a painful confusion. So all praise to paradox; weaving realms, doubling events and vision! I know little regarding modern physics, yet it seems that the last generation or two of scientific thought has also moved toward paradoxical models. Light is best understood as having the properties of both wave and particle. Time and space are seen less as separate realities and more as being inseparably bound together. It is in this paradoxical vision, the holding together of disparate and opposite things, that our human endeavor is brought forward. In paradox our religion and our science find common and fruitful ground. The world is a woven thing! Happy Thanksgiving, and may our measure of gratitude be increased. (Stan Grotegut)
COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING WORSHIP: Wednesday, November 26, 7:00PM, at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 5001 Pennsylvania Ave. (See attached flyer and pass the word at your community.) The worship and reception will serve as our November Interfaith Council meeting.
CROP WALK REPORT: The twelfth annual Crop Walk was held last month. The event is sponsored nationally by Church World Services and locally by the Interfaith Council. There were 280 walkers and the first tally shows $13,000 raised; 24% to be used in Boulder County, 1% to Bread for the World, and 25% to be used globally through Church World Services. Congregational achievement awards will be given at the Thanksgiving worship.
COMMUNITY TABLE: Hot meals are being served to seniors, families in need and others on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00pm to 7:00pm at First Christian Church, 950 28th St. The Table has enough funds through the end of the year and is asking faith communities to put them in their budget for $500 or more for next year. There are now two openings on the C/T's directing board. If you or someone from your community is interested call Steve Rohrbach - 823-9303...
DECEMBER INTERFAITH COUNCIL MEETING will be Thursday December 11th, 7:30PM at St. Andrew's Presbyterian, 3700 Baseline. (We usually meet on the fourth Thursday, but because of the holidays we will meet earlier.) Congregational represent-atives and all those interested in interfaith cooperation are most welcome to join us. A part of the agenda will continue to be discussion regarding future involvement and ministries of the Council. So bring your suggestions.
MISSION STATEMENT: Founded to be a religious presence in our community in addition to individual congregations, the Interfaith Council of Boulder seeks to: Educate - foster interfaith understanding and cooperation Serve - sponsor local community service programs Inform - promote interest in and boarder understanding of religion Heal - provide an atmosphere for consideration and engagement of issues of common interest to the interfaith community. For more information call - Stan Grotegut 443-2291, or Rev Kurt Kuhwald, Vice President, 494-0195 . (A big THANK YOU to Rev Marjorie Carroll of Columbine Unity Center for agreeing to serve as our Treasurer!)
Interfaith Council of Boulder
5001 Pennsylvannia Av.
Boulder, CO 80303

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