Boy Scout Troop 70Philmont TrekJuly 8-21, 2003 |
We need to start our Philmont Preparation NOW. This is NOT OPTIONAL. Every crew member needs to do at least thirty minutes of aerobic activity at least three times every week between now and the trek. Whenever the weather is suitable, walking in your hiking boots is the best way to get into condition. Hiking up and down hills is better than just walking on a sidewalk. Carry your backpack filled with padding, and use empty plastic milk jugs filled with water to gradually increase the weight you can carry.
This may seem like a lot of trouble, but you will enjoy your Philmont experience much more if you get yourself into condition before we get there. We will use our shakedown treks in May and June to fine-tune our preparation and teach Leave-No-Trace skills. They will NOTget you into shape by themselves.
Here are some web pages that will give us information we need to get ready:
The Philmont Scout Ranch Home Page has maps and pictures of Philmont.
A Scouter named Selden Ball has a Philmont Scout Ranch page with more information on Philmont. He maintains itineraries of the various treks written by trekkers, and journals of experiences on the trail. This will help us to pick a trek.
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