xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Silver Feathers June 1997 oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Silver Feathers is a production of The Senior Group, an informal group of older netizens who produce these e-mail newsletters: Silver Threads - general senior interest- Silver Feathers - birding and nature related items Elderhostel Notebook - elderhosteling Silver feathers describes journeys, pleasures, plans, and musings about birds, nature, and environmental issues. To subscribe to any of these, e-mail to the editor, Jim Olson, at olsonjam@uwec.edu All three newsletters are e-mailed to subscribers and archived at http://bcn.boulder.co.us/community/senior-citizens/center.html Silver Threads also has a World Wide Web edition located at http://www.winnipeg.freenet.mb.ca/sthreads ********************************************** Contents From the Nest on the Chippewa (editorial) News and features Messages from Readers Winging it (the writer's corner) ***************************************** From the Nest on the Chippewa ***************************************** Following Thoreau's edict to "Simplify, Simplify, Simplify" I have reduced the format of Feathers and will attempt to stick to this broader format for at least a few more issues. Membership continues to grow from our first edition to 15 readers, then to 50, and now to over 100. Evidently there are quite a few silver feathers strewn about the cyberlandscape. And we have also picked up some younger readers as well, as we welcome nature lovers of any age although we will continue to focus (see our elderhostel article) on the well seasoned reader. A number of readers have expressed an interest in having a graphical element in the newsletter with an area for art work and photographs from readers. The technology of mail systems is advancing very rapidly; and while that may be possible in the future, I would like to keep the letter strictly plain e-mail text and do anything fancier with another format. Who knows what is down the line in cyberspace? If there is a reader out there who would like to establish a web page for the Feathers as well, I would be happy to assist with text. I do not have the time nor the savvy to set one up by myself. With such a site it would be possible to use art work and photographs from readers. We could, for example, use some of the photos Janet Wright has of her Foxes of Prince Edward Island to go with the brief excerpt from her journal in this issue. ***************************************** News and Features ***************************************** Falcons Hatch Online Early in May JEANEK1@aol.com sent the following message to the AOL birdwatching forum: If you really want to see something neat.. check this site out.. It is located on the 41st floor of the Rhodes Tower here in Columbus Ohio.. The Falcons are sitting on 4 eggs that are due to hatch on or about May 9th..it is so interesting. http://www.dnr.state.oh.us/odnr/wildlife/falcon/peregrine.html Throughout the following weeks many viewers watched the progreess of the Peregrine falcon nest set up by Auroa and Bandit. On May 10 the eggs hatrched and Donna Daniel, wildlife biologist of the Ohio Division of Wildlife,reported that the female falcon. Aurora, ate the egg shells after the chicks hatched to replenish the calcium she lost in producing the eggs. The watch contined and continues with vewers learning about raptors and their diet, about fledging 40 stories in the sky; the site has becomne one of the more popular places on the net. ____________ School Children Recycle Musk Ox poop Walter Ranikowski, a retired educator from Canada's Northwest Territory and an avid environmentalist reports on a project carried out by school children in his former school district: Cyndi Foster has only one bag of musk ox poop left, and she's starting to get nervous. The grassy manure is like gold to the energetic Grades 4-5 teacher from Cambridge Bay, who discovered that musk ox poop was exactly what her students needed to produce a high quality recycled paper. "We make a poop paper that we can market because the color and the look and texture are consistent, all because of the wonderful properties of musk ox poop:' says Foster, whose classroom at the Kullik Ilihakvik School has been transformed into a noisy, messy mill which recycles the community's unwanted paper. "in the spring we'll take the kids out on komatiks to collect some poop. I'm going to get them to try to make rabbit poop paper and caribou poop paper this year too:' Foster says. Droppings from these tundra-grazing animals helps give the recycled pulp an attractive light brown color and consistency that allows the students to sell it and turn their profits back into the recycling project. Foster discovered that adding Arctic plants to the recycled pulp gave the paper more body and color, yet she didn't have the heart to go picking large volumes of the dwarfed vegetation. "But I knew that the musk ox ate the same plants, so I collected the poop and mailed it to a paper maker in Edmonton:' says Foster. Sure enough, the poop worked the same as the plants and the children now add it to their own product. Students from Kullik Ilihakvik School are involved with every step of the paper-making process. Once a week they collect unwanted paper from government offices and tote the heavy bags to a barge container for storage and later process the paper into high quality paper. Using the paper, Derek Ehaloak, 10, used silk screening to produce his own Valentines Day cards from the recycled pulp, which he also ended up selling. "He's actually followed the whole process through and from a teacher's point that's the goal:' says Foster. ____________ Handling Young Birds MamaDuck1@aol.com- from The Beakley News Young birds and mammals frequently leave the nest before they are able to fly or fend for themselves.The parents are nearby, watching the youngster and encouraging it, and bringing food when necessary. This is an important step in the learning process of how to be a wild creature. These babies of the wild are best left alone. One method I use to determine if the youngster has indeed left the nest by his own choice, is to note the length of its tail feathers. This is a good indicator of the bird's maturity. If the tail is close to 1" long, the bird should be treated as an adult. If he's hopping on the ground and seems unable to fly, place him on a tree branch or in a bush in the immediate area - he's practicing. His parents will bring him food when he needs it. This time of "dependent independence" is necessary for the young bird to "learn the ropes" from his parents. A tiny, unfeathered bird should be placed back in the nest if at all possible. If you don't know where the nest is, keep the bird very warm and safe until you make arrangements with a licensed wildlife rehabilitator for its continued care. ****************************************** Feathers (messages from Readers) ****************************************** From: Margaret Snyder Subject: Elderhostel/bird watching/service trip In September of last year (96) I signed up for an Elderhostel Service trip at College Station TX -- the Tx A&M Bioacoustics Center. The attendance was so small (5 of us) that I'm surprised it wasn't cancelled for lack of volunteers, but thank heavens they didn't. We stayed in a nice motel, with breakfast, and a van picked us up each morning and hauled us to the site -- a wooded area just outside of town, where we learned how and where to string mist nets (each net site had a name designation.) Because there were so few of us, we only put up three nets, each day. When they had a full class, they put up a lot more. Then we went back to the picnic table and talked, until time to check the nets to see if we'd caught any birds. Mostly, we had, and then had to learn to untangle them from the net, (and boy could some of them get tangled, in their frantic attempt to escape !! In fact, the first one I netted, a Chickadee, was so tangled that our leader finally cut the net to get it out !!) We had little cotton sacks we put each bird in to take back to the picnic table, so they couldn't hurt themselves. (If there were more than one bird caught at the same time, we had a "clothes line" to hand the bags on until we could get to them.) We learned how to take the bird out of the bag, and hold it so that it couldn't get loose, without holding it so tight we might hurt it. We learned to weigh the bird, take several different measurements, and then check it for sex, breeding, and other things. In the meantime, one of us was filling out the form, with all the information, (and reminding the measurer what to do next, according to the form,) and then the measurer looked up in THE BOOK to see what size band to use, dug out the band and the banding pliers, and put the band on the bird. Then we released the bird to go about its business. The leaders had a schedule worked out, to make sure that each of us had the opportunity to get a bird out of the net, do the weighing and measuring and release, and a turn at keeping the record. _________ From: "Evanne A. Hunt" Subject: Prairie web site News and advice about prairie restoration is available at the following site http://www.prairie.pressenter.com created and maintained by the Westren Wisconsin Chapter of Prairie Enthusiasts _______________ From: HHoyt58289@aol.com Subject: Introduction I live in Aurora Colo., right up against the east side of Denver. Within walking distance of my home is Sand Creek a wonderful ribbon of green on the NE side of a ever growing city. The City has preserved this Gem in its wild state, there are deer, coon, fox, badger, skunks and all the smaller mammals too. And Birds. Wonderful birds! Wrens fill the woods with song, and today one was still taking twigs to its nest hole. Western kingbirds, Small flycathers, Dove, the mated pair of Kestrels, Great blue heron, White crowned night heron, Magpie, Chickadee, ETC. The Bullocks Orioles are weaving thier hanging nests. And the G.H. Owllets have ventured away from thier nest tree and are doing well. Also seen on reasent walks ; Western tanagers, Yellow & Willsons warblers, and a Pair of Rose breasted grossbeaks!! I tell people you don't have to go chasing all over the place to find Nature just stop and look, its right there in front of you, in your own "neck of the woods". Helen _____________ From: HUDSONPUFF@aol.com Subject: Bicknells Trush in New York I led a trip to Whiteface Mountain, New York in search of Bicknell's Thrush. Every indication was that this has been a late spring all around & these birds proved to be no exception. Instead of the expected twenty or so territorial males expected, only four could be located. Given that they are by nature a reclusive species, the search was on. It wasn't easy, but all saw and heard the birds. Whiteface is a good place to look for the species. There is a paved road (toll) to the top. It winds through several miles of Bicknell's habitat with numerous pull-offs so one can look for the birds without the usual strenuous hike up a eastern mountain alpine zone. Whiteface, you may recall was the site of the 1980 Winter Olympics downhill skiing. Lodging is available at the base of the mountain at several nice motels or nearby campgrounds. While in the area be sure to look for Mourning Warblers, Blackpoll Warblers, Philadelphia, Solitary & Red-eyed Vireos; Yellow-bellied Flycatchers & numerous other eastern species. _____________ From: Jentle1@aol.com Subject: Wrented Around May 21 I start leaving my front door open, listening for the new tenant of the wren house in our magnolia. It was such a cold spring in upstate New York that it was about a week later when Cliff told me that a wren had scolded him the whole time he was mowing the front yard. I hadn't heard one, nor had I seen anything, but I decided not to question his birding abilities and find out for myself. The last time a wren had tried to nest there, it was attacked by two English sparrows who were frustrated because I had removed their nest several times from the light over the garage and had blocked further building with two milk cartons. I had seen the wren flutter to the ground, but couldn't crawl under the low-hanging tree to check on it. In the year the wren house was empty, I learned a bit more about the tiny songster. It was suggested that two houses be provided not too far apart because Sir Wren often kept two ladies busy and it was convenient for him to have them close. I was somewhat appalled to find out that other birds didn't like him around because he would fly to their nests while they were away and peck holes in their eggs. I had blamed grackles, cowbirds and bluejays for this behavior. But who could resist having that wonderful warbling going on just outside the front door? Now it is certain. The bird house has been wren-ted. Jen Eddy ***************************************** Winging it (the writer's corner) ***************************************** Easy Listening Dave Watrous http://crisny.org/users/watrousd/index.html We are all familiar with the raucous call of the blue jay and the joyous song of the wren nesting by the back door but there is another level of avian conversation going on that we seldom take time to enjoy. It is only a murmur heard by a few lucky folks who take the time to listen closely. Often we see a bird seemingly relaxing on a quiet perch and after a glance go back to what we're doing and in doing so miss a real treat. Not speaking the language I can't be sure but sometimes I fancy that like us they sing to themselves for pleasure or maybe, as we do, talk to themselves occasionally. Whatever it is the tunes are often beautiful, haunting melodies heard just on the edge of sound. While enjoying the spring sun and reading the morning paper on the back porch today a soft, plaintive melody drifted in from among the apple blossoms on the apple tree beside the porch. Carefully laying aside the paper I discovered a Tufted Titmouse whispering his tune, a master musician in a virtuoso performance. The tune is long gone but the memory of that small gray bird will remain and if I'm lucky he or another feathered soloist will serenade me sotto voce again soon. ____________ The Foxes of Prince Edward Island (Journal excerpt) -Janet Wright Foxvulpes1@aol.com June 1 Finished my morning walk by leaving milk bone and boiled potatoes at the top of the hill and some dry cat food on the sitting rock. Called kit kit at each place. Since I walked in the woods this morning, the car had been left at the hutka. I no sooner got into the car when an adult fox appeared at the top of the hill. It had been waiting for me to walk away from it. I could only see head and shoulders, but it was very, very light. Returned home, got a cup of coffee and the binoculars and sat on the deck watching. It almost reminded me of a comedy routine where people go in and out of doors. A fox would come out of the spruce trees on the right side and head up the lane. Another would come from the culvert on the reopend lane and head up that lane. A fox appeared from spruce trees at the left and came down the lane. Another appeared from the right, etc. It had to be at least two foxes weaving in and out and could have been more. About 10 minutes passed with no sightings, when an adult appeared from the reopend lane, trotted to the middle of the field behind the house, curled up and took a 20 minute nap. Tom says the foxes probably spend as much time watching me as I do them. After the nap, she trotted off to the pine trees. ________________ First Day on the Appalachian Trail Martha R Thomas (martee@unm.edu) I had just ended a tuff uphill climb (only 2.5 miles but it felt like 5) and it had taken me 3-1/2 hours. I had stopped at Pico Camp (Vermont) to eat. I was preparing one of the dehydrated meals by pouring boiling water into the foil bag. The bag collapsed and my dinner dumped out into and onto my opened back pack, which was leaning against the shelter right underneath where I was preparing dinner. Huge globs of lasagne dumped on the wooden floor of the shelter and splattered up on to my legs. I sank to the ground in dismay and very much wanted to cry. (I later learned from another hiker how it's done out there, which is to just dump the stuff into the water in the pan.) I had to unpack every single thing from my pack and take the pack to the spring, 50 yards away, and wash it repeatedly. One of the zippers was entirely coated and I didn't think I'd ever get it clean. Then I had to come back and clean off the contents of the pack, and then clean myself, and then repack everything. About then, a couple of hikers came in to the shelter area and what was left was this big blob of half-cooked lasagne lying on the shelter floor. It looked very much like vomit and I was totally embarrassed. I quickly explained, of course, but I'm sure they were convinced it was vomit. I buried the stuff as deep as I could dig and poured water onto the floor and scrubbed the rough wood as best I could. That necessitated many round-trips to the spring. By the time all that was done, I wasn't even hungry, just tired, but forced myself to eat. So ended my first day. It's funny now, looking back, and a lesson learned. Martha Thomas, formerly known as Mighty Mountain Martee __________ Shelter, Food, and Love My spirit is a dark-eyed doe, Frightened, far from cover; But I'll be in my forest bed When the long night's over. My spirit is a cheetah swift Hungry, hunting prey. My seeking will be satisfied Before the break of day. My spirit takes another form In guise of silv'ry swan, Sailing serenely near my mate In an opalescent dawn. Marian Leach _________ Coyote Stalking, Now listening, Quickly rising forward Paws together downward thrusting; Gotcha. -jwo