5735 Prospect Rd.
Longmont, CO 80503

Table Mountain Web Site

A great place to find information about our association is the Table Mountain Association website located on the "web" at: Created and maintained by Jim Waterman and Jim Mays, the website contains information concerning the past, present and future issues of the Table Mountain Association.

Included are the mission statement, a calendar of events and every newsletter ever published. You can find out why we came into existence, what we are currently working on and information about our future events. For those interested in joining the association there is a membership registration form, and your may send email to our group through a location on the site. The time and location of the monthly meeting is there for anyone who wishes to attend.

If you are interested in Table Mountain, the geologic feature that lends its name to our organization there are links to sites that point to the federal group that owns and manages the mesa. You will find a number of sites selected to showcase the scientific research conducted on Table Mountain.

How do you find the website? The web address is printed in every newsletter. The site can also be found through the Boulder Community Network Website (BCN) BCN is another non-profit organization whose mission in part is to give organizations like ours a home for their websites. There is a wealth of information about the greater Boulder county community at this site. To explore this community resource, go to and see what their web server has to offer. Table Mountain Association can be found in the listings under community groups.

Contact the TMA // TMA Home Page