A Proposal for Participation in the "Trade Fair"

Yoko-san continues to be an expert negotiator with Yamagata for the trade fair. While we are still awaiting confirmation of how everything will work out (we must be patient), we are suggesting the following scenario:

1) We (Boulder-Yamagata) Committee Members will select local merchants and negotiate prices and delivery of items to be potentially taken to the Yamagata trade fair. The selections of merchants will be centrally coordinated to avoid duplication.

2) Emphasizing the cultural nature and the fact that local prices/markets will not be affected we will try to arrange for significant discounts below normal retail.

3) Members will take photographs of the items and bring these with the price list to our next Committee meeting, about one month from now.

4) We will send the price lists and photographs of suggested items to Yamagata City in one coordinated mailing.

5) Yamagata City will then inform us of the quantity of the various items they wish to buy. We are guessing that they will buy about $10,000 worth of stuff.

6) Members will receive some commissions for items that Yamagata City chooses to buy: We are thinking of 10% for items that are essentially at retail prices and 20% for items at essentially wholesale. These funds, of course, could be used to help pay people's way to Yamagata.

7) The committee will assess an additional 15% to Yamagata City. These funds will be used to build our bank account, leverage other cultural events, and to partially support gifts/social activities in Yamagata

8) Thus the goods will be marked up from 25% to 35%. If we negotiate well, the prices will still mostly be below retail. These are the prices we will quote to Yamagata.

9) Yamagata will send the funds in full before shipping, plus pay the shipping costs.

10) The member who obtained the bid will then make final arrangements with the merchant for the shipping.

11) Once shipped, the goods are the responsibility of Yamagata City ( we will not accept returns).

Yoko and I would like to discuss this proposed process at our coming meeting.
