Web Statistics for: cedar_mesa

Last updated: Sat, 01 Jul 2000 00:11:03 (GMT -0600)

Totals for Summary Period: Jun 1 2000 to Jun 30 2000

Requests Received During Summary Period            1909
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period        12071638
Average Requests Received Daily                      64
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                  402388

Total Transfers by Request Date

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
 4.82  4.67       563179       92 | Jun  1 2000
 3.51  3.77       455673       67 | Jun  2 2000
 3.93  3.74       451567       75 | Jun  3 2000
 1.62  1.82       219902       31 | Jun  4 2000
 6.97  6.13       740384      133 | Jun  5 2000
 3.72  3.56       429248       71 | Jun  6 2000
 1.31  1.35       162434       25 | Jun  7 2000
 4.92  4.68       564467       94 | Jun  8 2000
 2.25  2.14       258075       43 | Jun  9 2000
 4.50  4.25       512791       86 | Jun 10 2000
 2.88  2.91       351049       55 | Jun 11 2000
 5.29  5.60       675426      101 | Jun 12 2000
 4.35  4.30       519398       83 | Jun 13 2000
 1.99  1.86       224312       38 | Jun 14 2000
 6.02  6.19       747358      115 | Jun 15 2000
 3.20  3.77       455132       61 | Jun 16 2000
 2.41  2.74       330480       46 | Jun 17 2000
 1.78  1.46       175856       34 | Jun 18 2000
 5.34  5.85       706327      102 | Jun 19 2000
 4.98  5.28       636900       95 | Jun 20 2000
 2.36  2.36       285218       45 | Jun 21 2000
 4.82  3.42       412373       92 | Jun 22 2000
 2.78  2.21       266254       53 | Jun 23 2000
 2.51  2.67       322574       48 | Jun 24 2000
 1.26  1.35       162936       24 | Jun 25 2000
 3.56  4.06       490177       68 | Jun 26 2000
 1.94  2.47       297943       37 | Jun 27 2000
 1.73  2.01       242315       33 | Jun 28 2000
 1.68  1.64       197658       32 | Jun 29 2000
 1.57  1.77       214232       30 | Jun 30 2000

Total Transfers by Request Hour

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 4.35  4.58       552885       83 |  00
 1.31  1.24       149837       25 |  01
 1.78  2.05       247465       34 |  02
 2.20  2.65       319516       42 |  03
 1.52  1.66       200394       29 |  04
 2.25  2.58       310944       43 |  05
 2.04  1.82       219263       39 |  06
 4.24  4.91       592149       81 |  07
 4.40  4.57       551896       84 |  08
 6.55  6.19       746734      125 |  09
 6.81  5.13       618707      130 |  10
 4.03  3.85       464275       77 |  11
 4.66  4.71       568688       89 |  12
 5.76  5.91       713275      110 |  13
 8.22  8.10       977245      157 |  14
 4.19  3.67       442709       80 |  15
 5.50  5.58       674056      105 |  16
 5.71  5.97       720433      109 |  17
 3.88  4.14       499507       74 |  18
 6.76  6.93       836862      129 |  19
 5.19  5.00       603603       99 |  20
 3.67  4.02       484686       70 |  21
 2.15  1.91       230953       41 |  22
 2.83  2.86       345556       54 |  23

Total Transfers by URL/Archive Section

%ReqsRequests   Archive Section
------------- |------------------------------------
 0.79      15 | cacvregs.htm ( 20) Antiquities Laws and Regulations
 0.84      16 | cacvvist.htm ( 19) Archaeological Site Etiquette
 1.52      29 | cacvarch.htm ( 28) Archeology of Cedar Mesa
 1.15      22 | cacvrule.htm ( 24) BLM new rules
 1.62      31 | cacvtrvl.htm ( 53) Backpacking and Hiking in Grand Gulch
 0.52      10 | cacvrite.htm (  9) Basic Human Rights
 0.63      12 | cacvread.htm ( 10) Bibliography Frames Control
 0.68      13 | cacvbidx.htm (  9) Bibliography author index
 1.83      35 | cacvblst.htm ( 37) Bibliography listing
 0.05       1 | cacvbtdx.htm (  4) Bibliography title index
                cacvbook.htm (  0) Bibliography, original
 0.73      14 | cacvetiq.htm ( 19) Cedar Mesa Area Etiquette
 0.84      16 | cacvmuse.htm ( 14) Cedar Mesa Area Museums
 1.20      23 | cacvrsrc.htm ( 22) Cedar Mesa Area Resources
 0.79      15 | cacvkind.htm ( 16) Children Exploring Cedar Mesa
 0.63      12 | cacvclim.htm ( 11) Climate in Grand Gulch Area
 0.31       6 | cacvcolo.htm (  4) Colorado Poem
 0.42       8 | cacvconn.htm ( 13) Connections to the Past
 1.52      29 | cacvarea.htm ( 23) Cultural and Natural History
 0.73      14 | cacvdogs.htm ( 14) Dogs and the Wilderness
 2.25      43 | cacvcamp.htm ( 36) Equipment for High Desert Backpacking
 0.58      11 | cacvfaun.htm ( 17) Fauna in the Grand Gulch Area
 0.05       1 | cacvfile.htm (  0) File Summary
 0.42       8 | cacvfaid.htm (  8) First Aid while in Grand Gulch
 0.94      18 | cacvflsh.htm ( 12) Flash Flood!
 1.57      30 | cacvflor.htm ( 20) Flora in Grand Gulch Area
 0.26       5 | cacvgext.htm (  6) GPS Email Report Exit Procedure
 0.31       6 | cacvgrpt.htm (  8) GPS Email Status Report
 0.68      13 | cacvchrn.htm ( 17) Geologic Chronology of Cedar Mesa
 0.84      16 | cacvgeol.htm ( 17) Geology of Grand Gulch
 2.78      53 | cacvglob.htm ( 59) Global Positioning Systems
 0.73      14 | cacvggmp.htm ( 14) Grand Gulch Management Plan
 0.63      12 | cacvmile.htm ( 26) Grand Gulch Trailhead Distances
 0.42       8 | cacvethc.htm ( 11) Guidelines for Stewardship
 1.20      23 | cacvexpd.htm ( 12) Historical Expeditions
 4.92      98 | cacvindx.htm (124) Home Page Frames Control
 4.66      89 | cacvhdir.htm (107) Home page directory
 7.12     136 | cacvhome.htm (151) Home page text
 0.73      14 | cacvhypo.htm ( 17) Hypothermia and Hyperthermia
 1.68      32 | cacvtrac.htm ( 13) Leave No Trace
 0.63      12 | cacvword.htm ( 10) Lexicon of Local Words
 2.30      44 | cacvlink.htm ( 35) Links to other web sites
 0.37       7 | cacvcont.htm (  5) Making Public Contact
 0.84      16 | cacvsite.htm ( 18) Map of this site
 0.73      14 | cacvmips.htm ( 12) Minimum Impact Practices
 0.63      12 | cacvnews.htm (  9) Past Newsletters
 1.10      21 | cacvphot.htm ( 18) Photographing Rock Art
 1.41      27 | cacvrcrd.htm ( 25) Recording Rock Art
 0.37       7 | cacvstew.htm (  9) Reflection on Stewardship Article
 0.58      11 | cacvrefl.htm ( 12) Reflections on Cedar Mesa
 0.31       6 | cacvfeel.htm (  7) Rise with the Morning Sun Poem
 1.05      20 | cacvsafe.htm ( 18) Safety in the Grand Gulch Area
 0.52      10 | cacvsigs.htm ( 21) Save the Signatures
 0.21       4 | cacvstat.htm (  0) Statistics Directory
 0.16       3 | cacv9402.htm (  0) Statistics, April 1999
 0.16       3 | cacv0004.htm (  1) Statistics, April 2000
                cacv9912.htm       Statistics, December 1999
 0.10       2 | cacv0002.htm (  1) Statistics, February 2000
 0.10       2 | cacv0001.htm (  0) Statistics, January 2000
                cacv0007.htm       Statistics, July 2000
                cacv0006.htm       Statistics, June 2000
 0.16       3 | cacv0003.htm (  0) Statistics, March 2000
 0.10       2 | cacv9502.htm (  0) Statistics, May 1999
 0.05       1 | cacv0005.htm (  0) Statistics, May 2000
 0.10       2 | cacv9930.htm (  0) Statistics, September 1999
 1.73      33 | cacvintr.htm ( 24) The Cedar Mesa Project Network
 0.58      11 | cacvmorm.htm (  8) The Mormon Trail
 1.15      22 | cacvquan.htm ( 19) The Photographer's Dilemma
 1.10      21 | cacvvand.htm ( 21) The Problem of Vandalism
 0.47       9 | cacvcare.htm (  8) Thoughts on Visiting the High Desert
 0.26       5 | cacvtrib.htm (  8) Tribute to Grand Gulch Poem
 1.05      20 | cacvwatr.htm ( 26) Water in Grand Gulch Area

 6.29     120 | cacvdanc.gif
13.99     267 | cacvkatc.gif
 0.58      11 | cacvlnt2.gif
 4.30      82 | cacvnew.gif
 4.98      95 | cacvupd.gif
 0.16       3 | /cgi-bin/e-merge.pl/~cedar_mesa/cacvform.txt
 0.21       4 | Code 301 Moved Permanently
 1.36      26 | Code 404 Not Found