Katchina Daisy

The Cedar Mesa Project

Antiquities Laws and Regulations

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There are several Federal and State laws that deal with archeological resources on Federal and Native American lands.

The following acts have been passed and are enforced to protect our national heritage devastation from serious looters as well as from the casual visitors who slip pot shards into their pockets to take home for the coffee table display.

Please become familiar with these acts as you travel in the area, respect them, and report any and all signs of violation, such as vandalism, to appropriate authorities.

Resources for Visiting the Cedar Mesa Area

Antiquities Act, 1906

National Historic Preservation Act of 1966

Utah State Antiquities Act

  • 1973, Utah State Antiquities Act: Similar to the Antiquities Act.

    Archaeological Resources Protection Act

    • 1979, Archaeological Resources Protection Act: Requires Federal agencies to provide notice to the Secretary of the Interior of any dam constructions and, if archeological resources are found, for recovery or salvage of them. The law applies to any agency whenever it received information that a direct or federally assisted activity could cause irreparable harm to prehistoric, historic, or archaeologic data. Increases the penalty for stealing or vandalizing to $500,000 and up to five years in prison.

    Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act

    • 1990, Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA): This act assigns ownership and control of Native American cultural items, human remains, and associated funerary objects to Native Americans. It also establishes requirements for the treatment of Native American human remains and sacred or cultural objects found on Federal land. This act further provides for the protection, inventory, and repatriation of Native American cultural items, human remains, and associated funerary objects. Requires museums that receive public funds to consult with Native Americans. Native Americans have the power to decide what happens to museum collections of human remains, grave goods, and sacred items. When these items are inadvertently discovered, cease activity, make a reasonable effort to protect the items, and notify the appropriate Indian tribe(s) and/or Native Hawaiian organization(s).

    World Wide Web Resources About Applicable Laws:

    Federal Laws about Historical Preservation, Archeology, Culture, and Recreation.
    Web: http://www.legal.gsa.gov/fedfra13.htm (NEW!)
    Links to all Federal Laws. (NEW!)
    Web: http://www.legal.gsa.gov/into2.htm
    Links to all Antiquities Laws.
    Includes pointers to the full text of each law.
    Web: http://borworld.usbr.gov/laws/native.html.
    Links to all parks and monuments.
    Web: http://www.nps.gov/parklists/byname.htm.
    Antiquities Act of 1906 (full text)
    Web: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/16/431.html (full text)

    Return to Cedar Mesa home page.

    URL of this page: http://bcn.boulder.co.us/environment/cacv/cacvregs.htm
    Revised '9-Jun-2001,11:10:14'
    Copyright ©1996, 1999 SCCS.