
environmental centers: may be in city parks, in schools, or stand by itself. Comes in all sizes and may be concerned with a single issue or provide an overview. Of interest to adults and/or children.

environmental schools: can range from intensive "magnet" programs that are part of regular public school system or university, to offering one-time environmental workshops and lectures offered to the public. Could be a hand-on learning center or technical school.

information center: places to visit where you get environmental information of all kinds, will often mail materials, as well. Directing people towards sustainable and conserving green sites, services and resources.

eco-tourist destination: Sites of special interest to visitors, or people who want to engage in hometown eco-tourism. May include green hotels or other ecologically sensitive accommodations, the most eco-efficient ways to get in and out of the city, eco-tour info, and other sustainable practices for visitors.

significant organization: might be socially responsible non-profit or educational group, club or advocacy group that contribute to local environment in important ways.

social/political resource: services and offices that help individuals (such as a foodbank that helps prevent waste of food), or for society to develop environmentally sound policies and practices. Alternative and governmental agencies, grass roots organizations, trade organizations and political parties, or non-profit social services, environmental justice and native rights organizations.

open space info: place to find advocacy resources and direct tools for gardening, protecting open space, street trees, rooftop gardens and other green spaces.

eco info by phone: you can call for resources, references, and other eco information. Can be a hotline with recorded messages, or knowledgeable source you can query directly.

eco info on-line: web addresses (or links) to good local information on the internet, or at a info kiosk.

scientific/research: centers for natural sciences, environmental studies and related sciences and technologies. May be indoors or out.

protest point: places where people consistently gather or post messages to respond to official political actions and decisions. May not all be related directly to environment - can be social, historic or cultural protest point. In New York, for example, there's a protest point right in front of the United Nations headquarters.

revised 2-4-99
text from the Green Map System's Guide to Green Mapmaking, ©Modern World Design 1999