Annual HOA Meeting:  May 16, 2000


Attendance:  Approximately 40 people


Treasurer Report:

$7900 in the bank. Voluntary dues  for this year of $25 per home, has a 23% collection rate, accounting for $4050.


South Entrance Landscaping:

Sandra Jambor is the volunteer designer and coordinator for the volunteer installation. Landscaping schedule May 20, 2000.  Costs of landscaping $2600.  This figure is for material and site preparation.  Some of the site preparation was donated. Lisa Shearer-Cooper is coordinator for watering of the south entrance.  The water supply will be provided by the house closest to the entrance and the extra costs of the water bill above normal will be paid by the HOA.


Garage Sale:

Neighborhood garage sale is scheduled for Saturday 5/20/00 from 8-4. This effort is

being coordinated by Linda.


News from Heatherwood School:

Mary Ann Ballantine reported on the most recent PTO Meeting.  The school is in need of volunteers to help out.  This need is for help in the classroom with math, reading, and the copy center.  Crossing guards are also needed as well as general duties that the school desperately needs help with.


Park Update:

The vacant lot next to the school is still being considered for some type of park development.  A park committee has been formed to explore research and development. Current idea is to petition the homeowners to determine if a ballot initiative can be in place by this November.  One idea was to have homeowners vote on a maintenance fee of approximately $35-40 per home, per year.  Currently the City of Boulder owns the land but is willing to transfer ownership to the HOA at no cost.  The City wants to review any plans for this piece of property before approving transfer. The current thought is to acquire the piece of property via the ballot initiative and then decide on an approved development plan that will be voted on by the homeowners. Funds necessary for development of the lot can possibly be acquired through donations by local corporations. Ideas for acquiring/development of this property were many.  More input from the homeowners and the park committee is necessary.



Once again, a plea has been made to please slow down while driving through the neighborhood.


Meeting adjourned.