One-Stop Career Network
How to Hire and Retain Top Talent
Also check the
Interview Resources page. While aimed at job seekers these links can
help you make sure you're asking the right questions.
Of particular importance is avoiding inappropriate/illegal questions, and
discriminatory hiring practices.
Jordan A. Greenberg The Pinnacle Source (303)
I. How to Begin with the End in Mind
Write a Job Description
- Mandatory Requirements
- Preferred Requirements
- Core responsibilities and objectives
- Additional Duties/ STOP!
II. How to Position and Sell Your Company
- Demand-side market
- Two way negotiation process
- Positioning your company and its opportunity is key
- Involve your team
III. How to Recruit Assistance
- Executive Search Firm (CAPC matrix)
- Industrial Psychologits
- Classified Ads/ The Internet
IV. How to Conduct a Simple, Focused Interview
- Can the candidate do the job?
- Does the candidate fit the culture/company?
- Does the candidate want the job?
V. How to Ask Open-Ended Questions
- Focus on character issues not on credentials
- Mackay Sweet 16
VI. How to Determine a Candidate's Benefits
- Every resume is a good resume / bad resume
- Role, Product, Market Fit
- Style is not a secondary issue
VII. How to Get Closure
- Competition is everywhere - sell your deal!
- Assess interest level
- Ask for a specific time and type of response