Project Self Sufficiency
Mentor Program


The Boulder County Project Self-Sufficiency (PSS) Family mentorship Program is now seeking professional women interested in developing an on-going, supportive relationship with a single, low-income woman and her family. The potential mentes are PSS clients who, having received financial, housing and child care assistance, are currently engaged in an educational or job-training program. They may need personalized assistance with study skills, goal setting, parenting, career guidance, resume developments, job seeking, or job survival.

The Mentorship Program provides a formal structure through quarterly events. As a group, mentors mentes and their families can attend concerts, spectator sports, hikes, picnics, weekend retreats, etc. Costs will be subsidized. This structure offers an opportunity for matched pairs to begin building a supportive and mutually satisfying relationship. Additional meetings and activities are optional but encouraged to build a supportive relationship and create opportunities. Mentors should enjoy sharing their educational, professional, and family skills and be willing to make a commitment of regular contact for at least one year. They should be sensitive to issues of poverty and single parenting and willing to learn.

A training session will occur in mid-October and the first social event in early November 1997. Monthly mentor support groups will also be scheduled.