Summit Middle School

Boulder Valley School District, Colorado

Boulder Valley's First Charter School

Summit in the News

May 30, 2004

Boulder Daily Camera

Bolder Boulder Middle School Challenge

Middle School Challenge grows in popularity

by Dave Southorn

The kids are tired of hearing it. Today's students are overweight. Today's students are lazy and unmotivated. In the Bolder Boulder, the kids will have their chance to prove all that wrong. About 2,000 middle school students from schools all over Colorado will compete in the 10th annual edition of the Middle School Challenge.


The Middle School Challenge not only has an incentive for students to finish the race, but also provides a little competition, too. There are three divisions of schools competing based on size: Division I (1-200 students), Division II (201-550) and Division III (551+). There are winners in each division in two competitions, which are the participation champions (participating students and staff divided by total enrollment), and the fastest school (the fastest two boys and girls from each grade have their times combined, and the school with the lowest time wins).


Last year's Division II champions, Summit Middle School in Boulder, will return for Monday's race. Summit had the fastest average time of any school, with an average of 56:58 and also won the participation award for Division II, enlisting 25 percent of its students.


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