Summit News

September 22, 1997

Volume 4, No. 5

Parapro Job Available

Summit would like to hire an office paraprofessional, five days a week, 7:30 - 11:30 AM. Contact Lisa Singletary in the Summit office, 499-9511.

Now Hear and See This

We need volunteers to help with the annual hearing and vision screening for 7th graders. Please call Lea Kovac, 449-0579 (note correct phone number), if you can help on October 14, 8 AM - 12:30 PM. Training will be provided. Please call even if you can help only part of the morning.


All 7th grade students should have completed, or be in the process of completing, their series of three Hepatitis B shots and their second MMR immunization. Please give a copy of the documentation for these immunizations to Debbie Fee in the Summit office by Friday, September 26.

According to state law, students without written notification of an immunization plan must be temporarily suspended from school until a plan or documentation is provided. Please see Debbie in the Summit office for further information or to obtain an exemption form. Thanks to all who have already brought in proofs of immunizations in progress.

Next Summit Board Meeting

The next meeting of the Summit Board of Directors will be on Sunday, September 28, 1997, 7:30 PM, in the teachers' lounge. Board agendas are always posted in advance outside the Summit office, and meetings are open to the public. For the convenience of busy parents and teachers, parent and teacher concerns not covered by agenda items are always the first topics on the agenda.

PVC Pipeline

by Barbry Hogue and Judy Hart

Thanks to the Summit parents who have already returned their Parent Volunteer Connection survey. We appreciate your indications of interest in helping to meet the needs of our teachers and staff. At the same time, we are hearing from teachers and staff about their priorities for volunteer help needs, and we will be in touch with you soon about matching your time to theirs. In the meantime, if you have time to offer with hands-on tasks at Summit (many not glamorous, but nevertheless important), please stop by the office when you are at school to see how you might offer help on the spot.

We look forward to seeing many of you at our first PVC Meet-and-Mingle occasion. Please make time to join us at the George Reynolds Branch Library, 3595 Table Mesa Dr., on Wednesday, October 8, 11 AM - 1 PM. Come when you can, stay as long as you wish, and share ideas with other Summit parents.

Do not let the PVC survey be the last time we receive your input. We want to hear from you throughout the year about our parent volunteer program, just as we have asked the Summit staff to keep in touch with us as the school year unfolds. Call Barbry, 665-3798, or Judy, 440-4253.

Summit/Southern-Hills Intermural Football Schedule

The joint Summit/Southern-Hills football team will compete the following days, right after school: September 12: vs. Platt September 19: at Angevine September 25: at Nederland September 30: at Burbank October 3: vs. Centennial October 10: vs. Baseline

School Board Fora

The Mesa Elementary PTO is hosting a forum for Boulder Valley School Board candidates on Tuesday, October 7, 7-8:30 PM, in the school library, 1575 Lehigh. Parents and neighbors of Mesa are invited.

The League of Women Voters will host a candidate forum at the BVSD Education Center, 6500 E. Arapahoe, on September 29, 7-9 PM, in the Board Room.

Summit Teacher Profiles, Part III

Wendy Blakemore (Spanish)

B.A. Spanish (minor in Italian), Stanford University.

As part of her college career, Ms. Blakemore took independent study in Tepoztlán, Mexico, in 1973 and attended Stanford-in-Italy in 1974. Having gained a passion for travel and learning in a foreign environment during her studies, Ms. Blakemore became a flight attendant/purser with TWA upon graduating from Stanford. Flying allowed her the opportunity to visit many parts of the world. She was particularly fascinated by the Spanish-speaking countries, whose language, history and culture she loves to share with students.

With the addition of a husband and two children, Ms. Blakemore stayed closer to home by flying less. She started teaching Spanish to preschoolers, which coincided with her children's schedules. To combine her interests in children and Spanish as her own children grew older, she expanded her teaching activities. Retiring from TWA in 1989, she has taught Spanish in a variety of settings to many students: preschoolers at school and in home groups; kindergarten to 5th graders in the Elementary Spanish Program; as a tutor for middle, high school, and college students; and as a counselor and instructor at Concordia Language Villages, a language immersion camp in Minnesota. She recently had a personal educational review at El Centro Bilingüe in Cuernavaca, Mexico.

Ms. Blakemore is married to Kit Blakemore, an attorney, and has two children: Katy, a sophomore at Fairview, and Patrick, a 7th grader at Platt. Her children's activities fill most of their free time, but she tries to find a few hours each day to run, cycle, swim, or just get outside. All the Blakemores love to travel when they can. Their most recent trips were to Spain and Italy. This is Ms. Blakemore's first year at Summit.

Angela Dozeman (English)

B.A. English, University of Michigan; Teaching Certificate Program/Graduate Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago.

After a three-year hiatus, Ms. Dozeman has returned to the classroom herself to complete the final three courses needed to obtain her Masters in Education. She thoroughly enjoyed her class at the University of Colorado. It dealt with ways to modify lessons for individual students and exceptional students in the classroom.

Besides the course work, teaching summer school, and working with the curriculum committee, Ms. Dozeman found some time to hike, camp, play softball, visit family and friends, and learn how to kayak. The kayak "hip snap" is still slow in coming, but she is determined to master it.

Ms. Dozeman knew she wanted to teach ever since the time she tutored her friend for the eighth-grade science exam. Teaching appears to be in her blood, so to speak, when you look at her family tree, with grandparents, parents, and aunts in the profession. She completed her student teaching at Lincoln Park High School, Chicago, and has worked in a variety of school settings in the midwest.

Ms. Dozeman grew up in Michigan and does miss the "Big Lake"; however, she feels right at home in the mountains. She looks forward to her second year at Summit, and knows that it will be even more successful than last year.

Lisa Hanckel (French)

B.A. Art History, Smith College; Institute of Art, Sorbonne University, Paris

One of Ms. Hanckel's references calls her a "Renaissance Woman of the 90's" because of her diverse interests. She has worked as an HIV counselor, a recreational therapist for an adolescent treatment center, a translator, a caterer, an assistant curator for an art museum, an artist, and a marine biology research assistant in Belize. She enjoys traveling and meeting new people which has led her to become trilingual.

Ms. Hanckel was born in Boulder and first demonstrated her aptitude for languages in high school by winning first place in the State in the National Spanish exam after living in Mexico for a school year. Since then, her love of language and the arts has continued to blossom. She spent her junior year of college in Paris, where she studied art history and theater performance at the Sorbonne and at a theater school, and taught English. She continues to dance, travel, and practice her languages with native speakers whenever possible. She has recently taken up African drumming and tap dancing. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, reading, going to concerts, and spending time with her friends and family.

Mery Molenaar (Science)

M.S. Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder; B..S. Mathematics and Physics Education, Hogeschool Holland, The Netherlands.

After graduating from a four-year teacher training college, Ms. Molenaar taught mathematics and physics at several secondary schools in her native Netherlands. In 1991, she was offered the challenging opportunity to teach at a public secondary school in Tanzania, Africa. She worked at Msalato Girls' Secondary School in Dodoma as a science and mathematics teacher until 1993.

In 1994, Ms. Molenaar moved to Colorado to work on a graduate degree in physics at the University of Colorado at Boulder. During her studies, she taught introductory physics recitation and laboratory classes. To further develop and improve her teaching skills, Ms. Molenaar participated in the Graduate Teaching Program and received a Graduate Teaching Certificate in 1996 from the Graduate School. Also in 1996, Ms. Molenaar was awarded the Outstanding Teaching Assistant designation by the American Association of Physics Teachers.

Ms. Molenaar is delighted about the abundance of teaching resources available in Boulder County, and tries to bring speakers from different fields of science to her classes. She is dedicated to keeping her classes alive with demonstrations, hands-on experiments, and examples from daily life.

Ms. Molenaar has a strong interest in using technology in her classroom. During her teacher training, she specialized in the use of computers in science and mathematics education. This is Ms. Molenaar's first year at Summit. Her future goals include implementing computerized experiments, simulations, and use of the Internet in her science classes.

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