Summit News

February 23, 1998

Volume 5, No. 4

Calendar Update

CTBS Coming

The Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills will be given to all Summit students April 7-10. Please do not plan vacations or medical appointments for those days.


The Summit MathCounts team placed third among eight schools in the Boulder chapter competition on February 20. Qinzi Ji placed sixth in the chapter as an individual.

The Summit team members were Qinzi, Lindsay Fox, Eric Gonzales, and Jenny Rood. Alternates were Chuck Bogenberger, Cara Harmon, Evan Horenovsky, Renee Jakaitis, and Dale Swirhun. The team coach was Ms. Frohbieter. Congratulations to our "mathletes."

Yearbook Sales

The Summit yearbook will be a great memento. Bring an envelope to the Summit office with your student's name, the word "yearbook," and the total amount written on the outside. Enclose a check for $15 per copy, payable to Summit Middle School. In the event of financial hardship, enclose a note requesting a complimentary copy instead of a check. The deadline to order is March 19. Please see Ms. Cox or Ms. Dozeman for more information.

Unexcused Absences

Parents, you must let us know when you are keeping your student home for any reason. Call the attendance line, 447-5529. If you call before school starts in the morning, you may leave a message on the answering machine. You are required to notify the school regarding absences in the interest of student safety.

Tools For Learning Raises $36,000

The results of this year's annual Tools for Learning fund drive can be summed up in one phrase: more families and more dollars. Summit has 159 families, and this year 148 of them made contributions totaling $35,919. "A 93% participation rate is outstanding for any organization," says Fundraising Committee Chair Jeff Bradley. "To see such across-the-board willingness to help a public school is most gratifying. When people believe in a school and feel that their dollars are spent wisely, they are generous," he explained. "We have certainly seen that here." Jeff is a nationally known writer and fundraising consultant.

Gifts ranged from $20 to $5,000. Several families spread their donations over time. When those pledges come in, Tools for Learning will top the $40,000 mark. If Summit instead raised that amount by selling merchandise, every student would have had to sell about $500 worth of goods.

Principal Bernie Grove, who has received requests for funding from virtually every faculty member, prioritizes the needs and then makes recommendations to the Summit Board, which approves all Tools for Learning disbursements. So far the Board has authorized $2,500 for 60 grammar books that will be used throughout the school, $2,300 for outfits for Silver Rain choir members, $500 for science fair supplies, and $150 for Follow that Rabbit royalties. Some of the donations are being held in reserve to supplement faculty salaries. A full accounting of every dollar spent will appear in the Tools for Learning annual report.

Thank-you notes have gone out to all 1997 donors; anyone who has not received a gift acknowledgment should call Jeff Bradley, 499-4275.

"And for anyone who has not yet made a contribution," the ever-hopeful fundraising chairman noted, "it is never too late to support Summit."

Parents Hooked on Computers

Here is the schedule for Mr. Mueller's upcoming computer classes for parents: Tuesday, March 3, 8:10-9:50 AM: Using the World Wide Web; Tuesday, March 17, 3:05-4:35 PM: E-mail. Questions? Call Janet Christensen, 499-5786.

Comments Welcome

We are always welcome input from parents. Your comments may be concerns, complaints, cheers, or suggestions. You may send a note to the school or e-mail the principal, Ms. Grove <>.

Summit Science Fair

Summit held its second annual science fair on February 27. A total of 216 students participated in the science fair, 80% of the school, in 185 projects (some were team projects). Participation was voluntary, although science teachers offered extra class credit to students who participated.

Students presented their work to science and engineering specialists during students' regularly scheduled science class periods. The students were interviewed by a total of 38 judges, 17 of whom were Summit parents. Care was taken to avoid potential conflicts of interest. Students talked to at least one judge, but sometimes more, depending on the relative number of students and qualified judges each period. Judges subtracted points if they determined there was excessive adult involvement. About one third of the participants received blue ribbons and about one third red. All students received certificates of participation.

After school, an awards team of five Summit teachers, three Summit parents, and a former science fair director (with no ties to Summit) reviewed all the top-ranked projects, the respective judging forms, and the pre-approval forms (if required). Team members with possible conflicts of interest recused themselves when appropriate. The team applied uniform criteria to the projects, adjusting for the judges' different grading standards. The team selected 13 projects, which was Summit's allotment, to go on to the regional district science fair. They also selected five alternate projects as runners-up. The winners were:

An awards ceremony and public viewing was held 7-8:30 PM. The ceremony featured science demonstrations by Summit students Pat Chang, Kate Farrell, Michelle DeBacker, Alex Halasi, Kathryn Woolsey, Ashley Howard, Davis Hart, and Lynne Costain. Andrew Herr was master of ceremonies.

The judging was coordinated by Ron Goldfarb. Parent judges were Nancy and Karl Kellogg, John Hart, Stan Benjamin, Chip Hogue, Tom Lemieux, Linda Koivuniemi, David Clark, Eric Lindemann, Dan D'Ippolito, Christine Caldwell, Dave Burchett, Cyndi Goldfarb, Paul Brownstone, Susan Dutcher, Melody Johnson, and Kathy Reims.

Science teachers Dr. Sikora, Ms. Molenaar, and Mr. Novotny organized student participation. Astronomy teacher Ms. Morrow and math/computer teacher Mr. Mueller participated on the awards team.

Summit parents who contributed to the success of the science fair included: Chris King, who provided all the food and refreshments for the judges and for the awards ceremony; Cindy Cederberg, who coordinated the parent volunteers and who announced students' names; Joan Harig, who supervised students during the fair, announced students' names, sorted the judging forms, and helped distribute certificates; Judy Demarest, Jenny Evans, Anita Gonzales, Carla Goulart, Judy Hart, Barbry Hogue, Nancy Kellogg, Jackie Ross, and Sally Scott, who served as practice judges to give students an opportunity to rehearse presentations; Jackie Ross and Cindy Cederberg, who set up tables; Judy Hart and Jim Cederberg, who greeted judges upon arrival; Brian Hansen, who printed judges' name tags; and Bruce Bland and Kate Barberis, who took down tables.

The regional district competition will be held at Broomfield Heights Middle School on March 6, 3-9 PM. Public viewing will be on March 7, 8-11 AM.

PVC Connection

by Barbry Hogue and Judy Hart

We have had such great response to our requests for volunteer help this past month that there is space this time for only a few thank-yous to: Kathleen Brewer, Janet Christensen, Linda Cowan, Susan Crocker, Anita Gonzales, and Margaret McKibbin for working with Summit staff to coordinate scheduling of parent-teacher conferences; Sally Benjamin, Kathleen Brewer, Cathy Burchett, Cindy Cederberg, Janet Christensen, Linda Cowan, Judy Demarest, K.K. DuVivier, Deb Ford, Connie Harmon, Margaret Harrington, Janice Kelly, Ann Kitayama, Linda Koivuniemi, Lea Kovac, Jenny Lucas, Margaret McKibbin, Sally Scott, Lana Westhoff, and Mary Kay Wilson for providing delicious meals for the Summit staff during February conferences; Connie and Ron Harmon and Linda Cowan for their extra help arranging for food, set up, and clean up for the staff meals; Linda Greenberg, for many hours spent scheduling student shadows; Jeff Bradley, Janet Christensen, Linda Cowan, and Judy Hart for parent assistance on last week's student shadow days; and all the parents who helped with the Science Fair (see article). Without our parent volunteers, these projects either would not have happened or would have seriously overburdened our teachers and staff. We appreciate every "yes" when we ask for your time and energy for Summit.

Mid-Year Volunteer Update Form

We realize that, as the school years moves along, the demands on your "free" time may change. We would like to give a break to parent volunteers who have less time available now than earlier in the year, and also encourage all of you who have not made time to pitch in at Summit to do so now.

Enclosed is a mid-year volunteer update form which will tell us how to get in touch with you during second semester as help is needed. We are still working from the original volunteer surveys filled out in the fall, so let us know only of new information and availability. We look forward to hearing from many of you, and we appreciate your help.

High School Registration

By now, 8th graders should have decided which high school they will attend, and determined how they will register at their chosen school. Fairview High registration was completed on February 23, during second period, when the Fairview counselors visited Summit again to collect registration materials. Broomfield High students should have attended an academic planning night on February 11, and made an appointment to see a counselor there to complete the registration process. Centaurus High and Monarch High registration packets have been distributed to interested students, and will be collected this week by Ms. Bartley, who will forward them to those schools. On Friday, February 27, students who need to register at Boulder High will be attending a meeting at Boulder High with Ms. Bartley. If your 8th grader has not registered for high school yet, or if your student has missed any aspect of the registration process, please have him or her see Ms. Bartley.

Board Elections

Elections for four positions on the seven-member Summit Board of Directors will be held in April for two-year terms beginning on June 1, 1998. Successful candidates will be expected to attend Board meetings as nonvoting participants in April and May. The Board has broad responsibility for governing the school.

Candidates should be dedicated to Summit's educational philosophy and be willing to devote the time necessary to serve on the Board. The Board often benefits from the talents of members with expertise in budget, computer programming, scheduling, law, personnel, grant writing, and negotiation.

The ballot for the election will be prepared in March by a nominating committee. Candidates can be placed on the ballot by selection of the nominating committee or by submission of a petition signed by 10 percent of all Summit families, faculty and staff. If you are interested in serving on the Board, please contact Ron Goldfarb, 494-8373.

Web Resource

The Britannica Internet Guide is a World Wide Web navigation service that classifies, rates, and reviews more than 65,000 Web sites. Britannica editors identify quality Web resources, which are clearly and concisely described, rated according to consistent standards, and indexed for superior retrieval. Try it at

Boulder Open Space Conservation Corps

Students aged 14-17 may apply for five-week summer jobs with the City of Boulder Open Space Conservation Corps. Wages start at $5.15 per hour. Responsibilities include trail maintenance and other resource management tasks. Corps members learn how to use hand tools and learn how trails are built and maintained. The program emphasizes skills education, cooperative work habits, and personal growth. Training is provided.

The application deadline is March 31. Application forms are available in the office. Call 441-3440 for further information.

Tri-Star Basketball Competition

The Boulder Luncheon Optimists Club is sponsoring a basketball skills competition for Boulder Valley girls and boys, ages 8-13. Skills tested include passing, dribbling, and shooting. Entrants simply show up at Shepherd of the Hills gym, Lookout Road at 71st Street in Gunbarrel, at 7 PM on February 27. First place winners will go to the regional semifinals on March 14 at Sunset Middle School, 1300 Sunset Avenue, Longmont. Contact Ken Paulsen, 823-5146.

Good Fencers Make Good Neighbors

Northern Colorado Fencers offers a series of four classes for students on Mondays, 4-6 PM, beginning on March 2 (no class March 16) for $65. Call 443-6557 for information.

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