Summit News

December 16, 1999

Volume 8, No. 9

Summit Calendar

Summit Forced to Prolong Winter Vacation
No School on January 3, 2000

The Boulder Valley School District has notified Summit that there will be no access to any school district facilities on Monday, January 3, 2000. Therefore, Summit is forced to cancel school on January 3rd.

We hope that you and yours have a good Winter Break and a Happy New Year! We will see you on Tuesday, January 4, 2000.

Summit Board Update

The next Summit Board meeting will be held on Monday, January 10th at 7 PM in the faculty workroom.

Holiday Gifts/Stocking Fillers

Please consider replenishing supplies of pencils, pens, erasers, hi-lighters, pouches to store pens, pencil sharpeners, etc., when you are holiday shopping.


The Health Room needs a volunteer on Monday afternoons from 1 to 3 PM. The kids could use some tender loving care and the secretaries could use the relief. You can reach Jeanne between 9 AM and 1 PM every day at 303-494-2866 for more information. Thanks for your support.

Sibling Priority for Open Enrollment

We look forward to welcoming siblings of current Summit students and/or Summit graduates for the 2000-2001 school year as these younger sisters and brothers move up to middle school. Summit's enrollment policies clearly state that siblings have priority for open enrollment as long as applications are received during the open enrollment period. For the 2000-2001 school year, this means that applications must be turned in to the Summit office no later than January 28, 2000. For our enrollment records, we need to have a completed application form on file for each student, including siblings. Open enrollment forms are now available in the Summit office and can also be printed from Summit's website. For more information, please call Maggie in the Summit office at 303-499-9511, or Linda Parkhill, enrollment coordinator, at 303-665-9355.

Volunteer Wanted to Burn CDs!

If you have a CD-ROM writer, Ms. Hanckel needs you help to make a CD composite of various types of dance music. Please contact Ms. Hanckel at 303-494-0914 as soon as possible for details. Thanks!

CDs and Dance Videos Needed for Dance Around the World Course

If you have any CDs or videos you can lend or donate, please label them clearly with your name and phone number. Bring them to the Summit office for Lisa Hanckel. Ms. Hanckel also welcomes your ideas and expertise in any dance form. If you would like to share a dance with us, please leave a message in the office for Ms. Hanckel.

Music is needed for the following dance forms: Jitterbug, Swing, Lindyhop, Salsa, Merengue, Cha-cha, Bolero son, Mambo, Rumba, Breaking, Mashed potato, Twist, Stroll, Jerk, Swim, Limbo, Chicken, Alleycat, Bunnyhop, Virginia reel, Samba, Samba reggae, Afro-Cuban, West African, North African, Balkan Tango, Cancan, Reggae, Native American, Charleston, Contra, Hip-hop, Hora and Israeli folk dancing.

What Do Pets and Math Have to Do with Each Other?

In the next week, a banner will appear on the web pages for my math classes: or

Clicking on this banner will take you to the web page, where you can purchase a variety of pet food and supplies. PetSmart will donate 10% of everything purchased and $5 for every purchase made by a new customer after clicking on this banner. This money will be used for extra supplies and rewards for our math students.

In addition, PetSmart is running a promotion where you can get free shipping and get $5.00 off, simply by entering the coupon code "Stocking" when you check out.

So, if you were planning on buying pet supplies or food anyway, and you find the items you need at a reasonable price on, buying them through this link would benefit our math classes.

Let me know if you have any questions.

--Ray Mueller

Etiquette, Manners, and More ...

Etiquette, Manners, and More is a learning center for courtesy, good manners and good sportsmanship. Their fall class starts November 13. Call Sharon Leigh Roark or Mary Austin Vann at 303-245-0483.


Attention all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls and boys who are interested in wrestling: Coach Adams’ wrestling program starts on January 5, 2000. You must have a current sports physical and the athletic fee of $40 in by January 4. See Coach Adams if you have any questions.

Motivating Underachievers

The Boulder Valley School District Talented and Gifted Office is sponsoring a presentation on “Motivating Underachievers.” Carolyn Coil will address this topic on Wednesday, February 9, 2000 from 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Board Room at the BVSD Education Center, 6500 E. Arapahoe Road, Boulder. All interested parents are invited. Please RSVP at 303-447-5067.

Help for the Twice Exceptional

Dr. Linda Silverman, director of the Gifted Development Center in Denver, will present a talk for parents on Twice Exceptional Children from 6:30 to 8:00 PM on Tuesday, January 11, 2000. For information, or to RSVP, call the BVSD Talented and Gifted Office at 303-447-5067.

Enjoy Your Children More

Parenting Workshops coordinated by parent educator, Suzanne Neuman and sponsored by BVSD Safe and Drug Free Schools include:

Workshops can be taken singly or as a group. Fees for individual workshops are $20/person or $35 for two adults registering together. If you register for more than one workshop at a time, you will receive a 10% discount. Partial Scholarships available by request. Please join in for an uplifting and helpful evening; fun and laughter guaranteed.

More information and workshop descriptions can be found at Register by calling Suzanne Neuman at 303-543-8550.

Update of Enrichment Activity Calendar

Elementary Science Fair, K-5, February 26, Crossroads Mall

Secondary Science Fair, 6-12, March 10-11, Centaurus High School

Destination Imagination, K-12, March 18, Fairview High School

History Day, 6-12, April 5, Base Line Middle School, papers due March 15

Spelling Bee, below grade 8, April 8, not a BVSD event, Kuviana Ax, Daily Camera, 303-473-1216

Literary Magazine, K-12, April 2 submissions due to TAG Office

Summit News Deadline

The next deadline for Summit News is January 10th. Articles may be sent to LDParkhill@aol, or left in the box in the staff workroom.

Summit News on the Web

High School Registration for 8th Graders

by Kendra Bartley

It is time for 8th graders to begin thinking about where they would like to attend high school next year. By now, you should know the name of your attendance area (neighborhood) high school. If you do not, please call the BVSD transportation department at 303-447-5125 to determine this. Also, if you intend to apply for open enrollment at a district high school outside of your attendance area, you must obtain an open enrollment application and submit it during the open enrollment period (January 3 - 28, 2000) to the school (or schools) that you would like to attend. Applications should be available in the Summit office or at any BVSD high school, after Winter Break.

During the week before and the week after Winter Break, Summit will be hosting several informational events to help 8th graders learn about area high school programs. Parents are also welcome to attend.

Also, several area high schools will be offering student/parent information nights at their schools during the open enrollment period:

Biweekly updates of this article will be published to let you know about other high school information nights and registration events as the dates become available. Stay tuned!

PVC Connection

DST seek DP for rewarding WRR
(Dedicated Summit Teachers seek Dedicated Parents for Rewarding Work Room Relationship)

Starting in January, we need volunteers to help in the teacher's workroom on Tuesdays and Fridays. This is an opportunity to work along side our dedicated teachers. Not for the faint of heart. Call Sandi Foote 303-543-9188.

"The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude." --Nietzche

Thank you for escorting the French students to the Impressionist exhibition and out to lunch: Nancy Barker, Cornelia Boylston, Mary Boulet, Sally Benjamin, Janet Christensen, Cathy Burchett, Carla Goulart, Mrs. Inman, Lise Roussin, Jeanne Visvader, Barbara Miner, Marlene Long, Jenny Lucas, Leslie Kaniecki, Wendy Clough, Margie Gunter Riksheim, and Penny Toothman.

Special thanks from Lisa Hanckel to Mary Boulet for her help in study hall and to Sally Benjamin for her French research.

La Cocina de la Familia

Thank you to the parents who came in and cooked with the Spanish students: Susan Becker, Carol Pahlke, Karen Fox, Diana Cahalan, Suzanne Taborsky-Barba, Ellen Dole, and Anne Horlbeck.

Faithful News Crew

Thank you to the Summit News Crew for their continued efforts in publishing this important communication tool. Linda Parkhill edits, Martha Gorman proofreads, Ron Goldfarb posts to the website, and the entire Wilson family (Steve, Tracy, Mary Kay, and Greg) fold, assemble, label, stamp and mail it out to our families and community every two weeks.

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