Virtual Chautauqua - Program Timeline
Virtual Chautauqua
Program Timeline
October 1998
- Media & technical
consultants partners meeting (BCN)
- Arts and Education-related partners meeting (BCN)
- Set up research planning meeting with invited social researchers in addition to research team (Mary, Bruce, RA social -- all partners welcome)
- On-site technology needs assessments and equipment selection. Note: all media sites to cover
the cost Internet connectivity set up and monthly service fees (BCN & Bruce, ITS; CATV
- Meetings with potential corporate & other partners (Mary & Bruce)
- Equipment Order (BCN, Bruce)
- All subcontractor paperwork filed (Mary: BCN, CATV, VSA, AC)
- Put Young Audiences Catalog (static content) on web. Ken Fricklas consulting to design &
develop front end. BCN volunteer(s) to assist with details. (BCN, KF, YA)
- Develop process and timeline for marketing and awarding 40 small grants to people with
disabilities. Awards include 3 hours of in-home training from BCN volunteer. VSA will
administer & develop contracts for awardees which will include dial-up Internet access via BCN
through August 30, 2000. 20 of 40 recipients will have access to CU computer lab for people with
disabilities and 66 hours of lab staff technical assistance is available for determining
equipment/software needs. Awardees do not have to be artists but must agree provide feedback
on artist sites. (VSA, BCN, ITS)
- Determine deadlines for K-12 Young Audience mailings (3/year) and content for first mailing
-- perhaps recruiting registry members to digitize a clip (YA, BCN)
- Determine deadlines for Access to the Arts newsletter produced by VSAC and content for first
mailing (VSAC, BCN)
- Submit to Mary dates for Regional Arts Dialogues (6 over two years) and associated basic
Internet training for artists. Work with public media partners to promote. (CCA)
- Web site design assistance for Very Special Arts Colorado and Young Audiences if needed
- Hire student technical assistant
- Develop project web site with links to all partner sites (Bruce, Tech)
- Develop plan for integrating video production/digitizing and web development into CU
Journalism courses as outlined in in-kind letter (Bruce)
- Begin literature review and establish project library and online bibliographic resource (RA
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November 1998
- Press Release and Media Contacts? (Bruce, Mary)
- Recruit and establish training schedule for team of volunteers to assist people with disabilities
- Recruit and hire graduate students and student technical assistant (Mary, Bruce)
- Determine human subjects research deadlines and file consent form and research outline
accordingly (Mary)
- Submit required plans to NTIA: privacy& security, match certification, research & evaluation
plan, and marketing plan (Mary)
- Recruit/Select/Designate on-site project facilitators (CATV, DCTV/5PCN, RRSR)
- Develop process and timeline for marketing and awarding web site development awards to
performing artists and performing arts organizations. CCA will administer & develop contracts
for the awardees which will include clause for participation in follow-up surveys or interviews.
Approximately 30 sites developed by AC. Approximately 20 sites developed by BCN. At least
five web development awards given to artists with disabilities. One-to-one site maintenance
training to 30 artists from BCN. AC to host sites. Media sites including CU Journalism to
provide technical support and coordination for capturing and digitizing video. (CCA, VSAC,YA,
BCN, Bruce)
- Develop process for performing artists video clips/performances to be captured and/or digitized
and linked to their sites (CATV, DCTV/5PCN, RRSR, BCN, Bruce, Tech)
- Network and configure computers for Young Audiences office. Equipment and software
provided by YA. (YA, BCN)
- Begin collecting audio/video pieces from Young Audience performing arts registry members
and/or capturing performances. Goal to digitize at least 100 performances or clips including
those linked to web site development artist awards (BCN, YA, Bruce, CATV, DCTV)
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December 1998
- Complete installation & testing of media sites equipment (BCN, ITS; CATV, DCTV/5PCN,
- Redesign listener friendly Radio Reading Service web site (RRSR, BCN, SO, Tech)
Begin to stream live content from media sites (CATV, DCTV, RRSR)
- Register on-site facilitators for continuing education courses (BCN, CATV, DCTV/5PCN,
January 1999
- Consult with CATI/CRTP about telecommunications resources and needs in rural Colorado
and possible target areas (Mary, Bruce, CRTP, RA policy)
- Establish research working relationship with CRTP and their resources (RA policy, CRTP)
- Very Special Arts Colorado to promote Young Audiences artist registry program to performing
artists in disability communities. At least 5 artists with disabilities apply to peer reviewed artist
residency selection process (VSAC, YA, BCN)
- Develop plan and timeline for K-12 outreach and involvement (Bruce, Mary, WCBOCES, RA
- Plan showcase event/reception (CCA, BCN)
- In-kind letters and activity reports due by January 15 (all partners)
- Quarterly Report due to grant agency (Mary, BCN)
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February 1999
- Establish plans and timeline for curriculum building (RA Ed., YA consultant)
- Determine appropriate artist interactive forums, develop, seed and market. Goal of 10
interactive forums moderated by Journalism students (CCA, YA, VSAC, Tech, Bruce, RA social)
- Assure public media site generated arts content is integrated into arts site(s) (BCN, CATV,
- Develop plan for using online registry to market to rural schools and generate 3% increase in
rural artist residencies (YA, RA educ.)
- Build in question to artist residency evaluations (or general school survey?) to determine how
many schools have seen/used online performing arts content (YA, WCBOCES, RA educ. Mary)
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March 1999
- Schedule performing artists training series and marketing, registration plan. CCA promote with
other arts partners. 5PCN public access site as one possible training facility in Denver? Goal to
train at least 80 artists including 20 artists with disabilities through this series (BCN, CCA,YA,
- Schedule and plan for five 3-hour Internet training classes for people with disabilities in CU
adaptive equipment computing lab (BCN, ITS, VSAC)
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April 1999
- Establish plans for incorporating online performing arts content into Aesthetic Institute teacher
training and for updating teacher training with new additions in online content (RA Ed. YA)
- Assure video/audio online performances which directly (at least 2) or indirectly (artist with
disability as performer) educate about disabilities. At least 6 teachers incorporate into lesson
plans. (RA educ., VSAC, BCN)
- Community Networks incorporate arts sites into their public training (BCN, 5 PCN)
- In-kind letters and activity reports due by April 15 (all partners)
- Quarterly Report due to grant agency (Mary, BCN)
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May 1999
- Develop program plans for interactive online activity between K-12 students and teachers and
arts communities which integrates or grows from real audio/video performing arts project
content. Review 1996 CCA needs assessment. (RA educ. VSAC, YA, Bruce, Mary,
- Set travel and presentations for travel to Community Networking Conference (BCN) and other
conference (Mary, Bruce, research assistants? ).
- Develop web site that increases awareness of disability communities through the performing
arts (VSAC, Tech, BCN)
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June 1999
- Select Rural Media Production and Serving Site (Bruce, Mary, CRTP & ?)
- Site Assessment and Equipment Order (BCN, Bruce)
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July 1999
- Set up Rural Site
- In-kind letters and activity reports due by July 15 (all partners)
- Quarterly Report due to grant agency (Mary, BCN)
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August 1999
- Plans for integrating online performing arts content back into traditional media content (CATV,
September 1999
- Establish conferences and other venues where various partners will present project (CCA,
WCBOCES, Mary, Bruce , research assistants & ?)
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Year 2: October 1999 to September 2000
- Olshansky consulting -- 50 hours technical consulting: network admin & advanced web design
Abbreviations and Contact Information
AC = Arts Communication, Bob Person, 715-1588
BCN = Boulder Community Network, Brenda Ruth, 492-8176
Bruce = Bruce Henderson, PI, School of
Journalism and Mass Communication, 492-4558
CCA = Colorado Council on
Arts, Elaine Mariner, 894-2617 ext. 12
CRTP = Colorado Rural
Telecommunications Program, Brian Geoghegan, 620-4777 ext. 312
Community Access TV of Boulder, Paul Congo, 440-1000 (Andy Bergey temp
DCTV = Denver Community TV, Eric Zipf, 295-4040 (Carol Naff
contact until November)
5PCN, Five Points Community Network, Gregory
Walton, 295-1357
ITS = Information Technology Services (CU) contact
through BCN
KF = AccessNet Communications, Ken Fricklas consultant,
Mary = Mary Virnoche, PI, Project Administrator and Research
Director, 321- 4840
RRSR = Radio Reading Service of the Rockies, David
Dawson & Paul Migliorelli, 786-7777
RA educ. = Research Assistant for
Education Research and Outreach (to be hired)
RA policy = Research
Assistant for Policy Research ( to be hired)
RA social = Research
Assistant for Social Research, Edit Gorogh, 452-7586
SO = Steve
Consulting, 473-0807 ext. 129
Tech = Student Technical Assistant (to
VSAC = Very Special Arts Colorado, Damon McLeese, 777-0797
= Weld County Board of Cooperative Education Services,
Compensatory Education Program, Beatriz Martinez Kinnison,
YA = Young Audiences, Patty Ortiz, 303-922-5880