Sinkie experiences from around the world...

Name Whitey DeKootay
Sinkie_Experience I'm not always like this. Sometimes I actually provide useful services to people who need Web Development. As for my Sinkie-ness, it's developed to a fine art. No dishes to wash. Usually only a spoon is the required utensil. Leaves more time to surf out the Gourmet sites on the Web.

Name Etienne Ali
Sinkie_Experience Hum... The healthiest is a slice of raisin bread covered with field berries yogourt with apricot jam on top. Ny other sinkie descriptions are too sinful...

Name RJL
Sinkie_Experience My fondiest memory of being married to a 'sinkie'. One un- forgetable night, round about midnight, I awoke with a dying thirst. I stumbled into the kitchen with 1 eye half-open & the other half-closed. Imagine my fright, when I finally find the light switch & find my dearly beloved standing over the sink, eating left over spaghetti buck-*ss naked!!!! I will never look a plate of spaghetti the same way again.

Email Morgs@KKTV.COM
Name Tim
Sinkie_Experience Well it isn't repulsive or even very original but.... I know other sinkies are like me in that they love their sleep. I hit the snooze at least two too many times every morning and as a result I'm a morning Bagel with cream cheese (in the dark so I don't wake the wife and kids) sinkie eater. Every work morning without fail.

Name Whitey DeKootay
Sinkie_Experience We just got back from a climbing trip to Jack's Canyon, south of Winslow, AZ. Of course, we didn't have a sink with us but we still managed to eat everything out of one pot using only a few utensils. So don't let anyone tell you that you have to give up your 'sinkie-ness' just because you're going camping.

Name Norm Hankoff
Sinkie_Experience Just discovered you. Great to know you're here. As Founder of The International Association of People Who Dine Over the Kitchen Sink, may I please invite one and all to our web site? You'll find us at All good wishes!