Author: Neal McBurnett
2008-12-21 15:49:58-07:00

The UU men's group did our annual hike up to see the winter solstice sunrise this morning in Chautauqua meadow. It was cold, and there was a light layer of snow, but it was delightful. We got a clear view of the instant of sunrise at 7:17. John brought a nice collection of drums, Henry shot some video, and Strider and John chanted. Jon as always led us in a short ceremony to remember our roots and appreciate the year that has been and the year to come.

I brought along my shiny new open source Google Android phone, which tracked us and uploaded the data as we walked. You can zoom in on it below, and click for information on each data point, 30 seconds apart. Such a blend of the old and the new....

GPS tracking powered by

You can see the spot in google earth also. That lets you spin the view around and look back from the southeastern horizon up to the spot where we were standing.