Unofficial, Independent Audit Data for 2009 Boulder Election

This site contains an unofficial, independent display of data from the Boulder County 2009 General Election Audit. The official audit site is hosted by the Boulder Clerk & Recorder: 2009 Coordinated Election Audit, and is based on processing the data using software written by the elections division. See also the Boulder County 2008 General Election Audit

This site is powered by the ElectionAudits software, which provides software and documentation in support of the Principles and Best Practices for Post-Election Audits and the other work of, the nation's clearinghouse for election audit information. The software is open source, still in very active development, and can be followed at its site:

2009 audit data - work in progress

Note that this does not yet reflect the results, or exactly the way the selections were done in 2009.
