Sunday Brunch???? (since I won't be around Saturday)

Jim Sturm (sturm@EE.Princeton.EDU)
Tue, 17 Oct 1995 15:24:40 -0400

Hello to all -- it has been super to see these email messsages from
all of you coming up on my screen lately in contrast to the usual
flood of boring things I get.

I lived in California working and in grad school until 1986, and have
been a professor of electrical engineering at Princeton since then.
My parents moved to NC in 1977, so my ties to Summit have been pretty weak,
although I do go to Bell Labs in New Providence (Murray Hill) every now
and then. I have been married 9 years with 2 little kids (not wise guys
like Becky's yet, but it's coming...), and already had plans to go with
my family to see my parents for Thanksgiving weekend when word of
the reunion reached me last week. Our flight back gets in Sunday
morning, so Saturday night looks unlikely for me, although I would
very much like to get together with the email crowd (a lot of whom
I knew pretty well) and others for brunch on Sunday morning if
at all possible.

Please let me know who is up for brunch somewhere on Sunday AM??

I'm also happy to see that Becky's dry sense of humor hasn't changed
too much in 20 years!!