BASIN-USGS-COB Boulder Creek Millenium Baseline
Boulder Creek Watershed
Turbidity Data for 2000 - Boulder Creek Below Coal Creek

Preliminary Data - subject to revision

Information on Turbidity:

Turbidity is a measure of the cloudiness of the water. Cloudiness is caused by suspended solids or organic matter including silt, microorganisms, plant fibers, sawdust chemicals and coal dust. High levels of turbidity can block light from reaching submerged aquatic vegetation and can raise surface water temperatures because the suspended particles absorb heat from sunlight. The most frequent causes of turbidity are from logging, road and building construction, and mining activity. Turbidity affects fish by decreasing light penetration thus reducing the amount of photosynthesis taking place in the water. This reduces the amount of oxygen available to fish. Large amounts of suspended solids can also clog fish gills, and it affects their ability to see and catch foo

More general information about Turbidity
Factors affecting Turbidity
Standards regarding Turbidity
Interpretation of Boulder Creek Turbidity data
Data Source:
Point of Contact:
Collection and Analysis notes

Monitoring site information:
BC-bCC Map
  • Location: Boulder Creek Below Coal Creek
  • Name: BC-bCC
  • Type: Composite
  • Frequency: SemiAnnual
  • Longitude: 105 ° W 35'
  • Latitude: 40 ° N 48'
  • Elevation: 4955 feet asl
  • Site photo
Downstream Site: Boulder Creek Above Coal Creek
Upstream Site: Boulder Creek above St. Vrain

Date Turb
June, 2000 9.35
October, 2000 9.20
*value below detection limit:
Detection Limit (if available) 0.01

Preliminary Data - subject to revision

Select on the parameter name to view all Turbidity time series plots on the basin map. Select on the table date to view stream Turbidity profiles observed on that date. Select here to view all parameters at this site.

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