BASIN-USGS-COB Boulder Creek Millenium Baseline
Boulder Creek Watershed
Water Quality Data Data for 2000 - North Boulder Creek at Boulder Falls

Preliminary Data - subject to revision

Data Source: BASIN-USGS-COB Boulder Creek Millenium Baseline
Point of Contact: Sheila Murphy

Monitoring site information:
  • Location: North Boulder Creek at Boulder Falls
  • Name: NBC-FALLS
  • Type: Composite
  • Frequency: SemiAnnual
  • Longitude: 105 ° W 24'
  • Latitude: 40 ° N 35'
  • Elevation: 6880 feet asl
  • Site photo
Downstream Site: North Boulder Creek diversion to Lakewood
Upstream Site: Middle Boulder Creek Above North Boulder Creek Confluence

Parameter Units High Flow Value Lower Detection LimitRange Ceiling
Water Temperature° C 9.80 0.0 
Dissolved Oxygenmg/L 9.50   15
Dissolved Oxygen % of Saturation- No Data   200
Specific Conductanceµ mhos/cm 29 1.01000
pHstnd units 7.29 NA 
Total Organic Carbonmg/L 2.56   10
Stream Flowcfs 96.75   250
Total Alkalinitymg/L as CaCO3 8.7 1.0120
Total Hardnessmg/L as CaCO3 10.0 0.1 
Nitritemg/L as N < 0.0* 0.0011.2
Nitratemg/L as N 0.0* 0.025.0
Nitratemg/L as N < 0.1* 0.0015.0
Nitrate + Nitritemg/L as N No Data 0.120.0
Ammoniamg/L as N < 0.10* 0.12.5
Total Phosphatemg/L as P 0.05 0.036.0
Fecal Coliform#/100 mL < 20* 1.0150
Total Suspended Solidsmg/L 5 1100
Total Dissolved Solidsmg/L 10 1660
TurbidityNTU 1.57 0.0160
* indicates measured value below analysis detection limit listed in forth column:
* indicates measured value exceeds plot scale range listed in fifth column:

Preliminary Data - subject to revision

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Last Page Update - Tuesday December 27, 2005
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