BASIN-USGS-COB Boulder Creek Millenium Baseline
Boulder Creek Watershed
Ammonia Data for 2000 - North Boulder Creek diversion to Lakewood

Preliminary Data - subject to revision

Information on Ammonia:

Nitrogen occurs in water in various forms, including nitrate (NO3), nitrite (NO2), and ammonia (NH3). Nitrate enters waterways from lawn fertilizer run-off, leaking septic tanks, animal wastes, industrial waste waters, sanitary landfills and discharges from car exhausts. The burning of fossil fuels releases NOX compounds into the air that fall as acid rain (HNO3). Nitrates in water can cause severe illness in infants and domestic animals.

Ammonia is the decay product of animal proteins and is sometimes found in wastewater. Through the process of nitrification, ammonia in wastewater is oxidized to nitrite and then to nitrate by bacterial or chemical reactions.

More general information about Ammonia
Factors affecting Ammonia
Standards regarding Ammonia
Interpretation of Boulder Creek Ammonia data
Data Source:
Point of Contact:
Collection and Analysis notes

Monitoring site information:
NBC-Lw Map
  • Location: North Boulder Creek diversion to Lakewood
  • Name: NBC-Lw
  • Type: Composite
  • Frequency: SemiAnnual
  • Longitude: 105 ° W 30'
  • Latitude: 39 ° N 59'
  • Elevation: 8240 feet asl
  • Site photo
Downstream Site: Middle Boulder Creek at PSCo Weir
Upstream Site: North Boulder Creek at Boulder Falls

Date NH3
mg/L as N
June, 2000 No Data
October, 2000 No Data
*value below detection limit:
Detection Limit (if available) 0.1

Preliminary Data - subject to revision

Select on the parameter name to view all Ammonia time series plots on the basin map. Select on the table date to view stream Ammonia profiles observed on that date. Select here to view all parameters at this site.

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Last Page Update - Tuesday December 27, 2005
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