Drought - Fire - Flood Email Forum

Re; introductions

Len Wright (
Tue, 24 Oct 2000 13:06:41 -0600

My name is Len Wright, I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Civil
Engineering with a specialization in water resources, studying under Dr.
James Heaney's guidance. I am studying better ways to mitigate the
influence of urban areas on the long term hydrologic cycle, primarily
changes in the rainfall/runoff relationships and Non point source pollution.
Most of my work is on better decision making, coupling process simulation
models (e.g. SWMM) with design optimization techniques (e.g. heuristic
decision tools like genetic algorithms and tabu search). I am interested in
the entire range of rainfall /runoff events, from micro storms (less than 1
year return period) to major ones (greater than 100 year events).

I have worked with the Natural Hazards Center here at CU as a research
assistant, studying sustainability issues related to engineering aspects of
hazards. I have also studied under various EPA grants and had the privilege
to study for a year under a fellowship from the Association of State
Floodplain Managers, during which time I synthesized many ideas for my
research, including how the "big event" design storm philosophy for
stormwater infrastructure has exacerbated hydrologic problems associated
with urban lands. Downstream flooding can be greatly influenced by the
amount of impervious surfaces upstream.

Prior to my time at CU, I spent 10 years in Syracuse, NY, where I went to
school (SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry - BS in Forest Engineering
and MS in Environmental Resource Engineering). I then worked as a
consulting engineer in Syracuse, working on combined and sanitary sewer
overflows, and industrial pollution problems related to contaminated
sediment deposition on the flood plain during floods - both urban wet
weather problems that link quantity and quality issues.

As far as droughts, I don't have much to say yet but I have enjoyed the
discussion thus far. The management-based definitions of drought especially
make sense to me, as those are the ones that show the influence of drought
on decision making and resource allocation in the watershed.

-Len Wright

- Len Wright

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