What happens to democracy when corporations rule?
Come to a talk: "Globalization" -just what is it?
- Who wins? Who loses? How do decisions by multinational corporations
YOU, and your community?
- Where do the environment and social justice fit in?
- What can we do?
Globalization has become a buzz-word of many meanings which depend on who says it and for what purpose. Bob Zimmerer, a retired physicist and long time student of the many components of Globalization, will share his understanding of who promotes it, who wins, and who loses.
A scientist at the Boulder Laboratories of the National Bureau of Standards for 5 years, Mr Zimmerer left to start one of the first high-tech companies in Boulder. He has two patents for products his company manufactured. He consulted for over 10 years at the Fitzsimons Army Medical Center in Denver helping physicians develop noninvasive diagnostic tests.
After retiring from his company, Mr. Zimmerer continued some consulting and became active in civic matters which led him to investigate the myths and reality of how our economy functions
Join us for a talk by Robert Zimmerer. Some quotes from Robert:
"The driving force behind Globalization are Multinational Corporations. Corporations roam the world, defining their own goals, pursuing political and economic power, forming alliances among themselves and now under Globalization, forming a corporate world state in which Nation States are doing their bidding."
"The weapon of choice to achieve Globalization is money, financial power wielded to compel obedience to Multinational Corporate plans."
"Corporations are legal structures created under man-made laws, structures that can be changed. There is nothing preordained about their present role in human affairs."
Longmont Public Library meeting room west side
Question and answer to follow.
Free and open to the public.
Are you furious about the state of health care in our country? Come join us for a talk by Bruce Robinson
As the health care crisis continues to worsen in this country and in Colorado, it is important to learn more about our health care "system."
Must we continue to pay more and more for less and less?
Can the price of drugs be reduced?
Is it possible to choose your medical care provider?
Can small businesses survive and still cover their employees?
Is there an alternative to this sick situation?
Mr. Robinson will give a brief presentation that will address these and other questions.
Where: Longmont Public Library meeting room west side
Question and answer to follow.
Free and open to the public.
Sat. 3/16. Alan Rosenfeld spoke at the Longmont Senior Center, 3:15 p.m. He is the social justice democratic candidate for the new 11 th congressional district and Leona Stoecker (republican) is running against him. He has been a lawyer in Boulder
website: http://www.alanrosenfeld.com/
Longmont Public Library conference room
"To Baghdad and Back"
How a local peace activist, who has been to Iraq twice in the last ten
years, views the impending war against Iraq.
Dan Winters commented on the 20 minute video
"Silent Weapon" and spoke about his visits to Iraq and Palestine.
Question/Answer session to follow
Free and open to the public.
We had about 30 people. Disucssion also covered the Israeli invasion of Palestine. Iraq: Sanctions--The Silent Weapon
" Sanctions are war! They are the most brutal form of war because they punish an entire population, targeting children, the future, most of all. Sanctions are a weapon of mass destruction. From 1990, when sanctions were imposed on Iraq until 1995, half a million children under the age of five died of malnutrition and preventable diseases. Sanctions impose artificial famine. A third of Iraq's surviving children today have stunted growth and nutritional deficiencies that will deform their shortened lives."
Dan works with Colorado Campaign for Middle East Peace
Sponsored by Longmont Citizens for Justice and Democracy.
More Info: 303-678-1801
Web Host: Boulder Community Network
Web Design: Pierre Malraison