Boy Scout Troop 69 - Klondike 2003

Here are some pictures from our Klondike photo album.  Click on the thumbnail image to see a larger picture.
Snow Owl Patrol Flag
The Siberian Owls
patrol flag
Klondike was very hard this year.  It snowed all day on Derby Day.  It was wet and cold.  But our guys did well in both their classifications.  
The 'revised' Daily Camera Sunday Front page (I've altered the pictures)

The Pirates' Patrol Flag
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Got those hand warmers?...Oh, those are doughnuts!
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The Pirates crash, but are only momentarily stunned.
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Troop 69 Shocks the World!  3rd place trophy
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Klondike 2003

60 teams started, 6 finished, 2 were ours!
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Jim & Curt- Troop 69's ASMs  
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Dr Johs making the morning brew
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Peaberry's- Breakfast of Champions
We'll put more pix in here as they become available.

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Last Modified: Tuesday, March 04, 2003
Please send comments or suggestions to: Dave Metge at:
If you don't have access to email, you can do this through the BCN Organization Comment Form (Ref: Boy Scout Troop 69)