This page is part of BCN's now-historical Election 1995 web site. BCN does not endorse candidates for election, and since it is so easy to put up a web page these days, BCN no longer provides web pages for candidates.


A visionary leader
for community improvement

Committed to:

To my fellow citizens of Boulder:

Thank you for your past support. You have given me the opportunity to help expand the Boulder Creek path and connecting greenway trails, revitalize the Downtown Mall, plan a facelift for Crossroads and the Hill, encourage neighborhood organizations and promote cooperation with the University of Colorado on projects such as the Broadway-College underpass. I have fought successfully for environmental projects, economic sustainability and the beginnings of traffic calming during my years on City Council.

With your vote and support, I promise to continue improving the quality of life in Boulder for all citizens.

Please vote on November 7th, or vote early by using the absentee ballot which can be obtained at the County Courthouse between October 17th and election day.

I am happy to discuss any ballot issues, and invite you to call me at home (494-0664) or the Council office (441-3090). I plan to vote for the park and recreation measure, county-wide affordable housing, Slow Growth! and reduction of smoking in the workplace.

--Spense Havlick





Married to Val Havlick, science teacher, Boulder High School. Children: Jenny, David, Scott and wife Kris and their two children, Miles and Ian. Hobbies include tennis, cycling, gardening, backpacking, photography.

The Havlick Re-election Committee
Mel Cundiff, Treasurer
5014 Gallatin Place, Boulder, CO 80303
A copy of our report is filed with City Clerk, City of Boulder, Colorado

Web site created by Lennox Research. Updated as of October 15, 1995