This page is part of BCN's now-historical Election 1995 web site. BCN does not endorse candidates for election, and since it is so easy to put up a web page these days, BCN no longer provides web pages for candidates.

Lisa Morzel for City Council

Respect for Citizens,
Vision for the Land,
Integrity, and

Lisa Morzel is Committed to:

Smart Growth
City policies should inspire and promote a stable community which give us the courage and honor to make a real commitment to Boulderıs future. Regional cooperation is critical in managing growth: all communities within Boulder County must be encouraged to create business, employment, and recreational centers, thus creating their own sustainable communities.

Supporting Business Vitality
We should support the development and prosperity of locally owned business by providing ways for small businesses to start and grow. Locally owned businesses are an important component to a balanced community and contribute through taxes, reinvestment, and civic mindedness.

Improving Transportation and Air Quality
We should develop genuine alternative transportation modes that achieve efficient and convenient access for pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and motorists. Bicycling and pedestrian traffic must be encouraged through developing safe and expedient paths and corridors. Safe streets must be guaranteed for all by stricter enforcement of existing traffic laws.

Representing Citizens
Communication between City Council, city staff, and citizens must be improved. Citizensı input must be respected and included in the final decision. Our communityıs future depends on citizens participating at all levels of planning; they must have access to all relevant information.

Encouraging a Mix of Housing
Housing strategies such as owner developed homes, co-operative housing, co-housing, and apartments/condominiums built above retail and office space would help ensure a broad spectrum of housing types and prices that are within the price range of those who live and work in Boulder. This can be accomplished by underwriting loans, developing options for sweat equity, and novel financing that leads to home ownership.

Partnerships between Youth and Seniors
Youth and seniors currently are an under-utilized resource that can benefit from each other. The city should provide opportunities for youth and seniors to cooperate in community service, business ventures, and mentorship programs. Youth, seniors, and citizens with disabilities need to have more input in the planning process.

Protecting and Improving the Environment
We must ensure all development is sensitive to the environment and have no negative impact on our existing community. City energy-efficiency codes must be updated from 1970ıs standards to state of the art.

Preparing for the Future
Boulder must anticipate a decline in the prominence of Crossroads Mall as a regional retail center as surrounding communities such as Louisville develop a broader retail base. We need to look for components, such as cultural, office, and residential uses, which compliment and strengthen the retail aspect of Crossroads. Expenditures and revenue must be balanced and our tax base diversified.

Lisa Morzel is Experienced:

An Open Letter to Boulder Citizens

I am running for City Council to better serve the citizens of Boulder. On council, I will insist on accountability and responsiveness in government. I will ensure early citizen involvement based on accurate information which proceeds in a timely and respectful manner. I pledge to engage groups with diverse perspectives to create broadly supported solutions, decide policy through open citizen input, and make crucial decisions involving growth management, land use, and other major issues facing Boulder. Time has come to elevate the quality of our civic debate. We not only have the responsibility to protect our quality of life and the resources that we now enjoy but we must plan for and invest in what we will leave to our children. I ask for your support. I ask for your vote. I will work for you.

Any Questions? Please call Lisa at 938-8520.

Paid for by Lisa Morzel for Council
J2155 Poplar Avenue, Boulder, CO 80034.
John Spitzer and Peter Richards, Co-Chairs.
Sally Martin and Don Peterson, Co-Treasurers.
A copy of our report is on file with the Boulder City Clerk.

Web site created by Lennox Research, Updated as of October 15, 1995