PLAN-Boulder County Endorsement

24 October 1995

PLAN-Boulder County is proud of its 36 years of vigilant concern for the orderly, harmonious development of the City and the County of Boulder. We support candidates who are dedicated to the preservation of our environment and who also take a reasoned approach to conflict-solving, keeping in mind the long term good of the community. We also endorse ballot issues which in our considered judgment will further our goals.

For seats on the Boulder City Council, we endorse:

Spense Havlick and Steve Pomerance

After a thorough discussion of the ballot issues facing the voter in this election, we wish to make the following recommendations. Two of them deserve a brief explanation.

YES on 2A: Growth Management Ordinance

We believe this to be a reasonable holding action to slow down non residential as well as residential development while the city strives to mitigate the negative impacts of growth.

NO on 2B: Charter Amendment to Extend Referendum Powers on Major Land Use Decisions

This amendment would allow a very small number of people to force an election on major land use decisions, thereby striking at the root of representative government.

We support two regional referenda which allow the districts to retain and spend revenues in excess of the limits of the TABOR amendment:
YES on 4A: for the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District
YES on 4B: for the Regional Transportation District

PLAN-Boulder County also endorses the two county issues:
YES on 1A: to fund an Affordable Housing Trust
YES on 1B: to increase the bonding capacity for Open Space

We also support two other City of Boulder ballot issues:
Issue 201: a sales tax increase for park land acquisition and development
Question 2C: to extend smoking restrictions in the city of Boulder

SIGNED: Jeannette Hillery, Co-chair, PLAN-Boulder County

999 Meadow Glen Drive, Boulder 80303 Telephone: 494-7718

Last revised on 10/30/95 by Catherine Weldon
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