Boulder Community NetworkIndian Peaks, mountains above Boulder County
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Maintaining a Web Site:
DIPPtm Makes it Easy

Who Should Use DIPPtm ?

The Boulder Community Network (BCN) provides free World Wide Web space to a variety of groups in Boulder County. In addition, BCN uses the Distributed Information Processing Protocol to assist organizations with creating and updating their own web information. DIPPtm should be used by organizations who are creating web sites that will require frequent updates. The DIPPtm process makes frequent information updates technically feasable and efficient. It provides maximum control with minimal technical knowledge.

Sending files to BCN using DIPPtm involves the following steps:
  1. Registering with the BCN Coordinator
  2. Preparing Your Files to Send to BCN
  3. FTP: Uploading Your Files to BCN
  4. Instruct DIPPtm to Install Your Pages
  5. Your Response from DIPPtm
  6. Your Final Check

Registering with the BCN Coodinator.

You must provide the following information using the DIPP registration form:
Within a week you will receive: **
** Please note: DIPP is maintained by volunteers, so please be patient while you are waiting for a response.

The information below details how to use the file name prefix, target directory and DIPPtm tag.

Preparing your Files to Send to BCN

When preparing your documents please note the following guidelines:

FTP: Uploading Your Pages to BCN "Incoming" directory.

Instruct DIPPtm to Install Your Pages.

Your Response from DIPP

Shortly after you post your installation request, you should receive 2 responses.

Your Final Check

You may upload and install files as often as you feel necessary: the process is automated and uses relatively few resources. Let us know if the above conventions create problems, but also please do your best to work within them. If you encounter any problems with this upload procedure, please notify the DIPPtm mail-list for BCN: dipp-bug AT

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