It is the duty of the Center Developer to keep his or her center in compliance with center page standards.
This is in regards to Headers and Footers, meta tags, the search mechanisms, and counters and date of last publication.
Headers and Footers for Centers are found at
and the ones for Information Providers are found at
Any group or individual may request that the Center Developer add a particular link.
Decisions regarding the addition of new links are to be made at the discretion of the Center Developer **.
Center Developers should do biweekly sweeps of the Internet, search and link to new LOCAL sites that fit their content area.
Maintenance of each Center is the responsibility of the Center Developer. On at least a bi-weekly basis, links should be checked for currency. Dead links should be deleted. Sites that have not been updated for one year should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine their value to BCN as an information source.
If the site is on our server, efforts should be made to notify the local page developer's and request them to update it ***. If not on BCN's server, unlink the out of date site.
Center Developers should determine local organizations that fit their content area and contact organizations representatives to encourage the development of a site on BCN. If technical assistance is needed, the developer will pass on interested organizations to the Volunteer Coordinator.
BCN will hold quarterly meetings of the Center Developers. Notification will be made via the list-server to which all Center Developers are subscribed. Every effort should be made to attend these meetings. Agendas and summaries of key decisions will be made via the center developer's list-server, to facilitate participation of those unable to attend.
Center Developers are requested to respond to e-mail correspondence regarding additions, deletions, meetings, etc., within a week of their receipt. Please notify the Volunteer Coordinator / BCN Coordinator if you plan to be away for more than one week. Arrangements can be made to forward your mail to BCN staff for continuity of the Center while you are gone.
Center Developers are requested to report any new links or updates by the 20th of each month to the Volunteer Coordinator . These will be listed in a monthly newsletter sent to organizations whose sites are hosted by BCN.
Hours need to be reported monthly on the on-line volunteer hours form.
** Appeals by persons requesting links will be heard by the BCN Coordinator, and if still unresolved, by the BCN Board of Directors, whose decision is final.
*** It is not the Center Developer's responsibility to update an organization's pages. If an organization does not know to update their pages, they should contact the Volunteer Coordinator for assistance.
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