Overall Course Objective:
- To make users familiar with the necessity of network security.
- To make users familiar with the object of network resource sharing.
- To have students have a basic understanding of the Ute Creek Domain Model.
- Be conversant in the correct terms of the technology at hand.
Students should be able to correctly log into the network and utilize resource mappings; also to have a minimal level of ability in troubleshooting connectivity issues. |
Have a legal network computer account on the Ute Creek Network. |
Module Two Outline:
Correct Domain Login and Logout
- Recognition of the different login methods and dialog boxes.
- The formation of you login name.
- Your password and how to keep it secret.
- The importance of logging out.
Network Resources
- Directory Mapping
Your home directory
- What you keep in it.
- How it is protected.
- How it is mapped on your system.
- Where have my files gone!?
- Who has access to your home directory?
Giving others access to your files
- How to share directories on your computer.
- How to give permission to others to access files on your computer.
- How to see who is accessing shared files on your computer.
- Common Directories on Servers
Public Places to Exchange Files
- Where to put files for other teachers and staff.
- Where to put files for students.
- How to protect files from being changed or deleted.
- Where to find updates for programs and files on your system.
Application Program Updates
- McAfee Anti-Virus Updates
- Printer Drivers
- Microsoft Office Updates
- Windows Security Updates
- Login, Start-up, and Other Updates
- Networked Printers and Printer Sharing
Connecting to a networked printer
- How to find a networked printer.
- Making sure you have access.
- What to do when the print job runs amok?
- What the system administrator can do when your print job runs amok?
Sharing your printer
- How to let others use your printer.
- Setting the permissions for your printer.
- What to do when the print job runs amok?
- What others can do when their print job runs amok on your printer?
Lab Time:
Students should spend some time working through issues that they've had in the past with printer and directory mappings.
They may also want to try out updating the McAfee Anti-Virus application program, or downloading new printer drivers. |