BCN Volunteers

Course:Intermediate Surfing

  1. Module: After completing Intermediate Surfing, you will be able to use various search facilities on the web, manage your bookmarks, download files from the internet.
  2. Objective: master the following web concepts and selected functions:
  3. Estimated Completion Time 30 minutes
  4. Terminology:
  5. Explanation
  6. Summary: Using the BCN site explain the key concepts and functions.
  7. Exercises:
    1. Preparation before starting the class
      1. Bring up the browser
      2. ensure browser icon is on desktop
      3. Go to bcn (
      4. Make it the home page (edit/preferences/navigator check on startup go to home page, and click on use current page)
      5. In all these exercises, have student manipulate keyboard and mouse, direct student. Have pointer ready to show parts of screen.
      6. Print out a copy of this page for you to use as a reference
    2. Search Engines
      1. Concept of Keyword search
      2. Examples of site search
      3. Portal or "Internet" search
      4. Refining a search
      1. Bookmark folders
      2. Editing bookmarks
      3. Examples
    4. Download
      1. Save as
      2. Saving images
      3. Downloading programs
      4. safe downloading -virus programs
  8. Test
    1. Tell the student the test is to do all the things just gone over, review orally, as in "You're going to show you can change the size of window, scroll, shrink, etc." Ask if the student has any questions. Tell the student to practice for a couple of minutes.
    2. Have the student go through all of the tasks above at your direction. use your hardcopy to checkoff all the tasks
    3. Review any the student missed. Focus on
      1. Performing the task correctly
      2. Knowing the name of the task
      3. knowing the purpose of the task if not evident