Scholarship Deadline is April 1, 2011
Peaks to Plains Suzuki Institute is proud to offer a limited number of scholarships to students in support of tuition costs. Overseas Connection, Inc., Robertson and Sons Violin Shop and individual donors have contributed to make this possible. Scholarships will be awarded primarily on the basis of financial need, but musical efforts and teacher recommendation will also be considered. Postmark deadline is April 1, 2011.
Applicaton Procedure
- Fill out the scholarship application form AND student registration form with fee summary.
- Make a recording (DVD or VHS) of the student’s most polished piece. Label tape container with the student’s name, age, instrument and name of piece.
- Provide 2 letters of recommendation; one from your Suzuki teacher with information on applicant’s ability, commitment to music and financial need, and one from yourself including
- Statement explaining your financial reasons for applying for the scholarship.
- Send all the above AND registration fee to: PPSI 6331 Glenmoor Rd, Boulder, CO 80303
- Must be postmarked on or before April 1, 2011.