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Biographical Sketch
Mark S. McCaffrey
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
University of Colorado, Boulder
UCB 449
Boulder, CO 80309
303.735.3155 (phone)
303.492.2468 (fax)
Professional Preparation
M.A. -Educational Leadership- University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO 1994
B.A. -Southwest Studies, Spanish Emphasis- Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO 1980
Relevant Appointments
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Associate Scientist, Professional Research Assistant, January 2001-present
CIRES Outreach Program, August 2004-present
Coordinator, Ice Fest, a Celebration of the International Polar Year, March 8-11, CU-Boulder
Co-Chair, Poles Together IPY Workshop, July, 2005
Member, International Polar Year Education, Outreach, Communications Subcommittee
Principal Investigator, Integrated Collaborative Education (ICE) Strategic Planning Online Workshop
Principal Investigator, DLESE Climate Change Collection
Principal Investigator, NOAA Coral Reef Information System Data Outreach Project
Representative, International Polar Foundation USA
Paleoclimatology Program, National Climatic Data Center
Science Communications Specialist, January 2001-July 2004
Principal Investigator, Climate TimeLine Information Tool
Lead Author, Paleo Perspective on Abrupt Climate Change
Project Manager, Spanish translations of Paleo Perspectives
Boulder Creek Watershed Initiative, 1996-2003
President, 2000-2003
Co-founder and Board Member, 1996-2003
Boulder Area Sustainability Information Network, 1998-2001
Co-PI and Communications Coordinator
University of Northern Colorado, ChemQuest Curriculum Project, 1996-1999
Education Consultant and Curriculum Developer
The Naropa Institute, Environmental Leadership Masters Program, 1996-1999
Adjunct Faculty and Developer-- Boulder Creek Atlas Project
Front Range Community College, Environmental Sciences Department, 1995-1996
Adjunct Faculty, Introduction to Environmental Science
Selected Publications, Presentations and Products
M.S., (2006), Polar Power: Education, Outreach and Communication
and the International Polar Year. Testimony to the House Subcommittee
on Research, September 26, 2006,
Washington, DC. Available:
McCaffrey, M.S., (2006), The 125 Year Legacy of the International Polar Year. bridges, the Office of Science & Technology’s (OST) Publication on S&T Policy. (10, June 2006.) Available: http://www.ostina.org/content/view/1130/496/
McCaffrey, M.S., Low, R., (2005), Data Stories: The Benefits and Opportunities of Narrative Metadata in Deciphering and Demystifying Data Collection and Analysis, Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract ED31C-1215
McCaffrey, M.S., Anderson, D.M., Eakin, M.E., Morrill, C. (2004). A Paleo Perspective on Abrupt Climate Change. NOAA Paleoclimatology Program. Available: http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/paleo/abrupt/
McCaffrey, M.S., Kowal, D., Eakin, M. E.(2003). Climate timeline information tool: exploring weather and climate change through the powers of 10. Paleoclimatology Branch, NOAA's National Climatic Data Center, Boulder, CO. Available: http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/paleo/ctl/.
Synergistic Activities
Member, International Polar Year Education, Outreach and Communications (EOC) Subcommittee and IPY.org Web Design Team
Contribute to reviewing EOC-related proposals for the IPY Programme Office, reporting to Director David Carlson, offering input and recommendations on coordination efforts and design of the IPY.org portal site.
Member, American Geophysical Union and European Geoscience Union
Co-convener of Education sessions at Fall 2005 AGU entitled “Deciphering Data” and another at Fall 2004 AGU entitled “Communicating Climate Change: Creative Challenge or Conundrum.” Assisted in organizing the GIFT Workshop at Fall 2003 AGU and Spring 2005 in New Orleans focusing on Hurricanes on the Gulf Coast
DLESE Working Group- Earth System Framework
Participant in working group tasked with examining approaches to organizing resources within DLESE using an Earth System framework and recommending strategies and options to the Steering Committee.
Coral Reef Information System and Coral Reef Task Force Outreach
Through involvement with the NOAA Coral Reef Information System (CoRIS), serve as principal investigator of the CoRIS Data Outreach project, facilitating stakeholder meetings with coral reef communities. Participant in the Coral Reef Task Force's Outreach and Education Committee.
Collaborators and Other Affiliations
Susan Buhr, CIRES, University of Colorado at Boulder; David Carlson, International Polar Year Programme Office; Michelle Hall-Wallace- Science Education Solutions; Louise Huffman, Golden Apple Foundation; Martin Jeffries, University of Alaska, Fairbanks; Roberta Johnson, UCAR Education; Carol Knight, NOAA; Tamara Ledley, TERC; Susan Lynds, CIRES, University of Colorado at Boulder; Russanne Low, UCAR- DLESE; Cathy Manduca, Science Education Resource Center; Frank Niepold, NOAA Climate Program Office; Mark Parsons, National Snow and Ice Data Center; Stephanie Pfirman, Columbia University; Rhian Salmon, International Polar Year Programme Office; Lesley Smith, CIRES, University of Colorado at Boulder; Peter Tuddenham, The College of Exploration; Daniel Zalles, SRI International.