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Current Theme: BASIN December, 2008 News Reports

Legalizing rainwater interception and resolving CBM water issues likely proposals for 2009 CO legislative session (12/27/08)
Boulder water main break closes 2 blocks of 9th street overnite (12/27/08)
Eastern Boulder County cities look to increasing Windy Gap supplies for growth (12/26/08)
EPA cites Longmont man for unpermitted environmental damage to 300 feet of Left Hand Creek (12/16/08)
Colorado Senator Ken Salazar offered Secretary of Interior appointment (12/16/08)
Poor information and delays surround light oil spill into Boulder Creek from CU snow melt system (12/10/08)
USGS finds low levels of a range of chemicals pass through water treatment processes in 9 studied water supplies, including the Poudre River (12/05/08)
Comment period for Windy Gap Chimney Rock reservoir proposal extended to address Western Slope concerns (12/01/08)
USCOE hires contractor to start Green River to Front Range pipeline proposal EIS (12/01/08)
Boulder asked to contribute to Nederland wastewater treatment plant upgrade to protect Barker water supply (11/25/08)
EPA finds NCWCD NISP project EIS inadequate to address water quality concerns (11/18/08)
Reoccurring incidents of groundwater supply contamination raise concern over "fracing" exemption (11/17/08)
Boulder OSMP to provide a fish passage at McGinn Ditch diversion on South Boulder Creek (11/09/08)
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