Boulder Community Network:
Help/Frequently Asked Questions
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Welcome to the BCN Help/FAQ page. If you do not find the answer to your question here,
please use the BCN comment form to inquire of the appropriate person.
May 16, 2002: This is getting lengthy enough: clicking on newest link
will get you to the latest question and answer.
Frequently Asked Questions
- My group wants a website on BCN. What do we do?
Check out Publishing Your Web Pages on BCN
(or adding your Site Link)
- Can I get my own domain name?
Yes. You need to register the domain yourself ( we don't do that).
See the instructions on
Domain name redirections for BCN sites.
- Where can I find icons and gifs?
Look in the GIF Index for BCN.
BCN Page and Center Developer Resources has other helpful links.
- How about counters and forms?
Using Counters on BCN tells you
how to do counters.
Reader Response Forms tells you how
to do forms.
- I would like to add a chat room or listserv. How do I do that?
The BCN conferencing FAQ covers that topic.
- What is DIPP?
DIPP(1)is a mechanism
for making the updating of your BCN website easy.
The DIPP page gives you the details.
- Why doesn't Front Page work with BCN?
Because it uses local file paths. For more details, look at
FrontPage and BCN .
Newer versions of FrontPage output XML as well as HTML and are very difficult to hand-edit. Also many FrontPage extensions only work on Windows machines.
- How does the university community support the
broader state community through BCN?
This is spelled out in
Outreach description
- What is PDF?
This is spelled out in
PDF Description
- Can I access the card catalog files by your web site?
Look in the Library center .
Most of the libraries have online catalogs.
- How can I do more interactive stuff on the Internet?
Look at the BCN Conferencing FAQ.
- Can we have password-protected sections of our bcn website?
Yes, but....
BCN does not encourage this because:
- Community networks should avoid restricted web pages
- Clients should not use password-protected web pages where
they need security. The passwords are sent plain-text on
the internet.
If you still feel you
must have it , contact your center developer (the person who runs the
center your page is under).
- How do I cite this site? is the "classical" reference. We have also reserved
(1)Distributed Information Processing Protocol (DIPPtm)
Boulder Community Network