HTML codes consist of tags that are mostly paired. A tag is a string enclosed in angle brackets.
<tag>some text goes here</tag>
Some are not:
<br>, <hr>, <img>
Some can optionally have end-tags:
The minimal HTML document looks like this:
<p></p>, <li></li>
Many tags contain attributes that change the features of the tag. For example:
<title>. . .</title>
<body bgcolor="#FF0000">
creates a red background instead of the default color. The
"#FF0000" is called the "value" of the attribute.
Allen Johnson (a BCN volunteer) has developed this interactive color picker
Here are some basic tags:
<title>This is the Title</title>
Titles are what show up at the top of the browser and in a bookmark.
<body>This is the body of your Web page.</body>
The body is the content of your Web page.
<h1>Level 1 Head</h1>
<h2>Level 2 Head</h2>
<h3>Level 3 Head</h3>
A Head 1 will usually be the biggest and boldest. However, the exact way that headings look is determined by the browser. Netscape might format headings a little differently than, say Internet Explorer. Usually, though, a header is followed by a line space.
Paragraphs usually add an extra line space at the end of a paragraph.
Create an HTML file with some heading and some paragraphs
note that internal spacing is ignored, and also
the capitalization of tags is irrelevant
all work the same
Other useful tags are
< !--This is a comment -->
Unnumbered (bulleted) List -
<ul>. . .</ul> <li> required, </li> optional but preferred
Numbered (ordered) Lists -
<ol>. . .</ol>
Definition Lists -
<dl><dt>Term</dt> <dd>Definition</dd></dl>
(Indents the definition part.)Nested Lists -
<ul><ul>. . .</ul></ul>
Preformatted Text - <pre>. . .</pre>
(Lets you determine
spacing between words and lines without codes and displays the text in a fixed-width
Blockquote - <blockquote>. . .</blockquote>
text in from both sides. Exact spacing of the indent is
determined by the browser.)
An example of lists
Add a list of quotations - use<ul>
and <blockquote>.
Copyright © Pierre Malraison All rights reserved.