Katchina Daisy

The Cedar Mesa Project

The Problem of Vandalism in the Cedar Mesa Area

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On November 2, 1995 the NEW YORK TIMES reported that "In the Indian Southwest, Heritage Takes a Hit. Archaeologists say that looting is rampant." For twenty years, an individual, referred to as the number one looter in the United States by many archaeologists, had been robbing Anasazi graves and breaking into and destroying archaeological sites. He was convicted in early 1996 and sentenced to six and a half years in jail and in excess of $40,000 in fines.

The following acts have been passed and are enforced to protect our national heritage devastation from serious looters as well as casual visitors slipping pot shards into their pockets to take home for coffee table display.

Please become familiar with these acts, and report any signs of vandalism to appropriate authorities:

See Antiquities Laws and Regulations for getting more information about the these laws.

Dealing with Vandalism

Never confront nor approach vandals or do anything to endanger your own safety or members of your own party.

Always Report Archaeological Vandalism!

Things to Report:

Call 1-800-722-3998 (Archeology Vandalism Hot line) to report any and all vandalism!

(Write it down now!)

Things to Do

Return to Cedar Mesa home page.

URL of this page: http://bcn.boulder.co.us/environment/cacv/cacvvand.htm
Revised '9-Jun-2001,11:10:14'
Copyright ©1996, 1999 SCCS.