Men at Work !

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Last Modified On: Thursday, September 19, 2002

Scene's from a recent N-SIG working bee

(Photographs by Norb Byczek, June 20th, 2002)

The 2002 Raffle Layout Test Train !

This is the layout that will be raffled at the BMRC show over the Thanksgiving weekend. The kit, supplied by Model Railroads by Chris, has had the baseboard assembled and track laid. Scenery is the next step.

(Photograph by Fred Jaeger, July 28, 2002)

BMRC 2002 Raffle Layout August 27th after Plastering and Painting - Photo Norb Byczek

Another view of the Raffle layout on September 19th before scenery was applied
Photo Fred Jaeger

BMRC 2002 Raffle Layout after scenery and ballast was applied on September 19th. Caboose Hobbies supplied the Locomotive and rollingstock.
Photo Fred Jaeger

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