What do people search for?

Via an "aliwebsimple" search engine which only searches our web page titles, people search for a very wide variety of things. Here are the most frequent terms for the last 8 months (out of 1053 searches and 723 unique terms). Some similar terms have been combined in this compilation.
 40 employment, jobs, job            3 usenet                        
 21 ski, skiing                      3 tv                            
 18 movies                           3 senior citizens               
 16 food, restaurant, restaurants    3 self                          
 14 transportation, transport        3 productivity                  
 10 weather                          3 police                        
 10 real estate, homes               3 planning                      
  9 keyword                          3 open space                    
  8 map                              3 music                         
  8 government                       3 mosaic                        
  6 sex                              3 mall                          
  6 internet                         3 longmont                      
  9 picture, pictures, gif           3 housing                       
  5 what's happening                 3 health                        
  5 smart                            3 gunbarrel                     
  5 library                          3 gay                           
  5 environment                      3 election                      
  5 education                        3 edgar                         
  5 computer                         3 connect                       
  5 american book review             3 community                     
  4 policy                           3 bus                           
  4 lotto                            3 budget                        
  4 kgnu                             3 boulder county business report
  4 festival                         3 bike                          
  4 disabilities                     3 amrion                        
  4 campus press
  4 business
  4 boulder
  4 access
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